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Friday, September 20, 2024

Recent developments in Afghanistan; heavy fighting in the center of Lashkar Gah

Local Afghan sources report the arrival of Taliban fighters in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province, the escalation of clashes in Herat province and the formation of popular groups to fight the Taliban in these areas.

According to witnesses in the town of Lashkar Gah in Helmand province, the Taliban have now taken control of the town of Lashkar Gah, with the exception of government offices, including the police headquarters, the governor’s office and national security.

Ali Yavar Rezaei, a resident of Lashkar Gah, whose house is 500 meters from the police headquarters, told IRNA that the city police headquarters was under siege by the Taliban.

He said the city was under Taliban control, adding that B-52 fighters were patrolling the area but had refused to bomb them due to the Taliban taking up positions in residential areas.

The citizen said that the Taliban had used residential houses near the police headquarters, the governor’s office and national security as a stronghold for the war.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) based in Helmand says it has struggled to rescue and rescue the wounded due to heavy fighting in the city center.

The source said that 9 dead and 27 wounded from the latest battle of Lashkar Gah were taken to the hospital.

Helmand civil society activist Akhtar Mohammad Badizi also said the Taliban were using the bombed-out homes as strongholds.

Helmand MPs in the House of Representatives also expressed concern about the fall of Lashkar Gah to the Taliban.

Shokoofeh Norouzi, a member of parliament, said that the Helmand Central Police Command and Prison were under siege by the Taliban and that clashes were continuing in the governor’s office and the head of national security in the first security district of Lashkar Gah, she said that if this situation continues, we will soon see the fall of the city of Lashkar Gah.

According to reports received from Herat province in western Afghanistan, fighting between security forces and the Taliban in the second, third, seventh, ninth and fourteenth districts of Herat city and the southern parts of the city is intense.

On the sixth day of the Taliban attack on Herat city, fierce clashes between government forces and the Taliban continue in several parts of the city.

Herat Governor Abdul Sabur Ghaneh said Taliban strongholds in various parts of Herat had been bombed and suffered heavy casualties.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Ismail Khan, leader of the Popular Resistance Front, which is leading the fight against the Taliban in the city of Herat, called on Herat men and women to mobilize against the Taliban.

Last night, the city of Herat witnessed the echo of Allah Akbar’s voice by the people against the Taliban at the call of Ismail Khan, and the people on the rooftops declared their support for the government forces and the people’s forces.

Many Herat youth who have joined the Popular Resistance Front say they are defending the city of Herat and will not allow the Taliban to enter the city.

Local media in Herat have reported that schools have been closed and large numbers of people are fleeing their homes due to the escalation of fighting in various parts of Herat city.

In Badakhshan, Panjshir, Parwan, Balkh, Jawzjan, Faryab, Sar-e-Pul, Samangan, Baghlan and Kapisa provinces, the popular uprising against the Taliban has intensified and hundreds of people have taken up arms alongside government forces to defend their areas.

The President of Afghanistan has not recently made a decisive decision to fight against the Taliban in the 90th minute, and yesterday in an extraordinary session of the House of Representatives, he once again asked the Taliban to come to the peace table and otherwise they will break their legs on the battlefield.

But the most important demand of President Ghani in the extraordinary meeting of the people’s representatives was to try to mobilize the people, and what he called a clear aggression against this country, he called on the people to stand up.

At the meeting, Ashraf Ghani called on the country’s politicians and political leaders to put aside all competition and unite for the survival of the republic.

Afghanistan is in a difficult situation and thousands of people are being displaced from densely populated cities and areas every day, and the government’s ability to help them is dwindling as the Afghan government loses billions of afghanis a month in trade.

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