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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Putin: US-Russian relations have reached the lowest level

The Russian president has said that relations between the United States and Russia have reached the lowest level.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that relations between the country and the United States have reached the lowest level in recent years.

In an exclusive interview with the Anbusi news network, he said: “We have bilateral relations that have reached the lowest level in recent years.”

Vladimir Putin described the reports in the Western media about Russia’s intention to supply satellite technology to Iran as “fake news.”

Putin is scheduled to meet with Biden in Geneva on June 16. The former president met with former US President Donald Trump in Helsinki a few years ago.

The Russian president said: “Donald Trump is an extraordinary and talented person, otherwise he would not be the President of the United States. It has not been part of American macro-politics before. Some like it and some do not, but that is the truth.”

“He is very different from Trump,” Putin said of Biden. The President of the United States is an experienced person [in politics]. “He has spent almost all of his adult life in politics.”

He added: “He is a lively man. You may or may not like him, but he did not come from the US administration and has not been part of US macro-politics before.

Earlier, a senior US administration official said that the United States was not seeking to improve relations with Russia at the same time as the first summit between the two countries.

According to the US official, while the leaders of the two countries are likely to discuss the current differences and possible areas of cooperation, one should not expect a fundamental agreement at this meeting.

The senior US official stressed that Biden is not trying to reorganize relations with Moscow either, because it was related to 2009 and the period of “Barack Obama”, the former US president.

Another US official said: “This meeting is an attempt to come up with ideas for determining the parameters of predictable relations between the two countries and to prevent the escalation of tensions in US-Russian relations over the past 15 or 20 years.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in late May that Moscow did not expect all disputes to be fully resolved or that relations between Russia and the United States would open after the first meeting between the two presidents.

Reuters also wrote about this, disputes over election interference, cyberattacks, human rights, and the Ukraine issue is among the major issues discussed between Biden and Putin. Meanwhile, strategic nuclear stability and regional conflicts are other issues discussed between the two sides.

Biden, who was scheduled to travel to Britain on Wednesday at the start of his first overseas trip, has said he will press Putin to respect human rights. Putin said last Friday that he expected the talks to take place in a positive atmosphere, although he predicted that the talks would not progress.

Earlier, Vladimir Shizov, Russia’s permanent representative to the European Union, said in response to news of a meeting between the presidents of Russia and the United States that one should not expect a miracle from the meeting between Putin and Biden.

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