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Palestinian resistance groups: Quds is the main issue of the Muslim Ummah / Iran has a firm position in support of the Palestinian cause

Emphasizing the Arab and Islamic nature of the holy sites of Jerusalem, Palestinian resistance groups called the city the permanent capital of Palestine and praised the efforts and continued support of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Quds Day each year for the cause of Palestinian liberation.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, Palestinian resistance groups stressed that World Al-Quds Day, which is the last Friday of Ramadan every year, is a message to all Islamic and Arab countries that Al-Quds is a victory with their full support for the children of the nation, especially in the face of Zionist threats and perpetuation.

According to the Palestine Today news agency, on the International Day of Al-Quds, Ismail Rezvan, the leader of the Islamic Movement of Hamas, greeted the masses of the Palestinian people in Al-Aqsa Mosque who thwarted the plan to slaughter the Zionist victim inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, emphasizing that Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds are Arabic and Islamic third holiest place for Muslims.

On World Quds Day, Rezvan greeted the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, who chose World Quds Day as a day to achieve Islamic unity and to commemorate the role of Muslims in defending Quds and Palestine.

Rezvan, stating that we say that Quds has been and will remain the main issue of the Arab and Islamic ummah, added: What is needed at the level of the Arab and Islamic masses is the steadfast support of our saints.

He added: What is needed at the level of the international community is to stop the Zionist aggression against the holy places, and what is required of the Palestinians is to maintain field unity and jihadist cohesion in all forms of resistance. “In the meantime, armed resistance will be the most important type of resistance, and it is necessary for our forces to be fully prepared, mobilized and ready to defend Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Yusuf al-Husseini, a member of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, also stated that World Quds Day is a significant day and is a day announced by Imam Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, to draw the attention of the nation and all the free people of the world to Quds. The nation must unite to liberate Jerusalem and confront the Zionist aggression and attacks on the Arab and Islamic hearts.

Read more:

Emphasis on the complete destruction of Israel during the World Al-Quds Day march in London

Yusuf al-Husseini further emphasized: Iran continues to support the Palestinian people with all its political and military might, and it is firm in this position.

The leader of the Democratic Front, Issam Abu Daqa, also announced that World Al-Quds Day is a message to all Arab and Islamic countries to support Al-Quds and stand by it and its people; In particular, there are Israeli threats, the continuation of its aggression and tyranny, as well as the attempt to completely occupy Jerusalem.

Welcoming Iran, its people and its leaders, who fully celebrate this day, Abu Daqa stressed that they provide material, spiritual and political support to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance.

The leader of the Democratic Front called for more support in confronting the Zionist occupiers and said: Al-Quds has a place in the hearts of Muslims and Palestinians as the capital of Palestine and is also a symbol for all Muslims and Christians on earth.

“Osama Haj Ahmed,” a member of the Central Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, said: On World Al-Quds Day, we thank the Iranian people and the Iranian leadership for supporting the Palestinian national resistance.

Haj Ahmad added: We salute the leaders of Iran for their confrontation with the Zionist occupiers and for the US pressure.

Palestinian resistance groups, while emphasizing the Arab and Islamic nature of the holy city of Jerusalem, called the city the permanent capital of Palestine. They praised the efforts and support of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Al-Quds Day every year for the cause of the liberation of Palestine and called it the cause of the unity of the Islamic nation.

Al-Quds Day or World Al-Quds Day is the last Friday of Ramadan, which Imam Khomeini (ra) in (Ramadan 1399 AH) declared an official day to support the Palestinian people and called on Muslims around the world to unite to cut off the hand of the Zionist regime and its supporters. The registration of the last Friday of Ramadan as Quds Day was met with the support of many intellectuals and artists, and today, in addition to Iran, marches and Quds Day ceremonies are held in different countries of the world, which according to news sources, this number to 80 countries on different continents.

So far, two international cartoon festivals with the theme of World Quds Day have been held in Iran in 2014 and 2015, in which artists from 30 countries have participated.

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