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Palestine Conference in Sanaa / Yemeni Prime Minister: Iran is a real supporter of Palestine, not Arab countries

Pak Sahafat – Speaking at a meeting of the Palestine Conference in Sanaa on Monday, Yemeni Prime Minister Abdul Aziz Bin Habtour said that the Yemenis support the resistance movement, adding that the Palestinian resistance is supported not by the Arab states, but by Iran.

According to Pak Sahafat News agency, speaking at the Palestine Conference in Sanaa, Bin Habtour said that holding the conference shows that we are in a trench.

Bin Habtur said: The issue of Palestine is not a matter of individuals and groups, but a project represented by the resistance movement from Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Sanaa, Beirut and Gaza.

He stressed: “The issue of Palestine is in the minds of all free people in the world, especially the Arab and Islamic world.”

The Yemeni Prime Minister added: “The decision of the Yemeni mercenaries is only in the hands of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and these countries are the executors of the Zionist project in the region.”

He added: “Yemenis support the resistance movement.” The real support for the Palestinian resistance was not from the Arab countries, but from Iran.

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Ziad Nakhaleh, Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad

At the conference, Nakhaleh also criticized the aggressors in Yemen, emphasizing the opposition to the plans of the Zionist enemy.

He stressed: Given the difficult situation in Yemen and the continuation of the aggression, holding a Palestinian conference in this country has many implications.

Nakhaleh added: The Palestinian people are creating new equations against the Zionist enemy.

Nakhaleh continued: The Zionists have resorted to force and are taking advantage of the international cover and the compromising Arab regimes.

The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement added: The aggressors in Yemen did not find a reason to justify their attacks. Yemen is the supporter and defender of Palestine, Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque with the will and resistance of its people.

The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, while emphasizing the confrontation with the Zionists, said: What is happening shows that this country belongs to us and these killers will not be able to destroy our religion, belief and land.

He lamented that at the same time as the Palestinian people confronted the Zionist enemy; these people were under siege by some other Arab countries.

He called for an end to the oppressive war against Yemen and an end to the siege imposed on the Yemenis, and addressed the leaders of the aggressor countries: I say that a child who is killed in Yemen is better and dearer to God than all your oil and money.

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Representative of Palestinian resistance groups in Yemen

Ahmed Barakeh, a representative of the Palestinian resistance groups in Sanaa, said during a conference in Palestine that the more the Zionist enemy insists on its crimes, the greater the will and power of the Palestinian people, a power that is not impossible for it.

He said that we are happy in this conference to raise the voice of Al-Quds and Palestine and to emphasize that the ideal of the Palestinian people is the main ideal of the Islamic Ummah and to watch the heroic images and daily sacrifices in Al-Aqsa Mosque and elsewhere in Palestine.

Addressing the Arab compromises with the Zionist regime, the Palestinian resistance official said that anyone who could not protect himself against a young Palestinian and enacted a curfew in Tel Aviv would never be able to bring you security.

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In another part of his speech, he criticized the views of some Palestinians in relying on the United States, saying that Washington is a direct partner of the Zionist occupiers in their aggression against the Palestinians.

He concluded by acknowledging that Yemen, despite being subjected to brutal aggression for a long time, has not backed down from the support of the Palestinian people.

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Mohammad Raad Member of the Lebanese Parliament

Lebanese MP Mohammad Raad also said during the conference that holding this congress at this time and place is a sign of seriousness in paying attention to the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

He considered the power of the Islamic Ummah in the power of Palestine and said that with the occupation of Palestine, the Islamic Ummah is also under threat.

Noting that all Arabs and Muslims support Palestine, Raad said: The Palestinian issue needs serious support and strong determination.

Raad said: The countdown to the Zionist regime has begun, and today it is rapidly on the domestic front and confronting the Palestinian intifada.

He described Hezbollah’s experience in confronting the Zionist regime as emphasizing that the enemy’s strength stems from our weakness, and that it will decline when the enemy becomes aware of our strength and determination.

While criticizing the compromising moves of some Arab countries, Raad stressed the support of all pro-Palestinian resistance movements for the return of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

The Lebanese activist finally called for the participation of the Palestinian people in the revival of Al-Quds Day.

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Minister of Science of the Yemeni National Salvation Government

Hussein Hazeb said at the opening session of the conference that the Yemeni leaders did not forget the wounds of Palestine and, despite various problems, including war and siege, made the issue of Palestine their priority.

Welcoming all the participants in the conference, he said that the Yemeni nation is of special importance to the issue of Palestine, and that it has made this its central issue, and that it has a completely honest position towards the Palestinian people.

He stressed that Yemen has been hosting the Mujahideen for many years and today reiterates its support for the Palestinian cause.

Hazeb stressed that the continuous invasion of Yemen, which lasted for more than seven years, has not been able to dissuade the Yemeni people from the aspirations of the Palestinian people and the support of the steadfast Palestinian youth and Mujahideen.

He said that most of the Gulf States have moved away from Quranic culture and do not pay any attention to divine warnings about the Jewish enemy.

Ali Sharafuddin, the head of the conference’s preliminary committee, also said that the aim of the conference was to mobilize the Islamic Ummah and awaken it, to strengthen the axis of resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine.

He called the battle with the Zionist enemy a battle of civilization that encompasses all cultural, political, economic, media and military life.

The four-day conference entitled “Palestine: The Central Issue of the Islamic Ummah” began on Monday in Sanaa with the presence of Mehdi al-Mashat, Speaker of the Supreme Political Assembly, and Abdul Aziz bin Habtour, Prime Minister of the National Salvation Government, and a group of high-ranking Yemeni state and military officials.

In this international conference, 60 studies from researchers around the world will be discussed.

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