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Friday, September 20, 2024

Pakistan’s Prime Minister: Israel’s impunity has increased its crimes in Palestine

Pak Sahafat – The Prime Minister of Pakistan considered the dire situation of occupied Palestine as a serious challenge for international peace and security and emphasized: Israel’s immunity has added to the crimes of this barbaric regime and the world must take concrete action to prevent it.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from the public relations office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif announced today in a message on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine (November 29): The people and government of Pakistan emphasize their unwavering support for the Palestinian nation.

He said: It is very worrying for us that the Palestinians have been suffering under the illegal occupation of the Israeli regime for more than seven decades. This brutal occupation, in addition to the injustices that the Palestinian people suffer in their daily lives at the hands of the occupying forces, has led to their displacement, disillusionment and despair.

Read more:

Pakistan: Israel is the main source of tension and conflict in the Middle East

Shahbaz Sharif condemned the barbaric attacks of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip last summer and said: The immunity of the regime occupying Jerusalem has made it bolder and added to the brutal actions of this regime. Therefore, until the international community takes concrete action to end Israel’s crimes, the Palestinians will continue to suffer casualties, injuries and gross violations of human rights against them.

Emphasizing Pakistan’s demand for the formation of an independent Palestinian state according to the pre-1968 borders, with Quds Sharif as its capital, he announced: Israel must end illegal settlements in the occupied territories, including East Jerusalem, and on the other hand, the international community must increase its efforts to end the endless violations of Palestinian rights.

Yesterday, the supporters of the freedom of Jerusalem in the city of “Karachi” Pakistan, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, by holding a cycling conference, while supporting the resistance front in the occupied territories, condemned the inhumane actions of the Zionist regime and its supporters.

A cycling conference to declare solidarity with the people and the Palestinian resistance front was held in the city of Karachi, located in the south of Pakistan, with the presence of Pakistani political and religious figures, civil activists and students.

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