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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Nikki Haley: Biden’s policy is a slap in the face to Israel

Pak Sahafat- The former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said: Joe Biden’s policy towards Iran and negotiating to return to the JCPOA is a slap in the face of Israel.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, New York’s “National Review” magazine, in a report quoting Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations during Donald Trump’s presidency, wrote: “Biden’s policy on Iran is a slap in the face of Israel and Washington’s Arab allies.”

In an interview with this American magazine, referring to the 4-day trip of the American president to the Middle East, he assessed Biden’s policy towards Iran as dangerous for America and claimed: Iran sells drones to Russia and attacks American forces, and then Biden wants to sign an agreement with the Islamic Republic.

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As one of the staunch defenders of Donald Trump’s withdrawal policy from the JCPOA, Haley noted: By refusing to stand up to Iran, Biden showed weakness when we should have shown strength.

Referring to the opposition of some former and current officials of the White House, Congress and the Pentagon to the lifting of sanctions against Iran, “National Review” wrote: Many current and former officials are worried about the Biden administration’s concessions to Iran to revive the JCPOA.

Returning to the JCPOA was one of Biden’s election slogans and it was expected to be implemented in the same days or at least in the first months of the presidency, but despite several rounds of negotiations in the previous and current governments, it is still being implemented with the indulgence of the United States and following the policies of the previous government. Cruel and illegal sanctions against the Iranian nation, agreement to return to the JCPOA and fulfill commitments by all parties has not been reached.

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