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Netanyahu’s son claimed; America is seeking to overthrow my father

Pak Sahafat – The son of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime repeated the claim of an American journalist who said that the US State Department is seeking to overthrow Netanyahu.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, Yair Netanyahu, the son of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, repeated the claim of an American journalist and lawyer in a post on Twitter and claimed that the US State Department, probably on behalf of Iran, is trying to remove Netanyahu from power.

Mark Levin is a radio host, lawyer, author, journalist and TV host from the United States of America who wrote on Twitter two weeks ago: Congress should immediately investigate whether the State Department is possibly acting on behalf of Iran in an attempt to overthrow the Netanyahu government.

Last night, Yair Netanyahu reposted the Twitter post of a Zionist expert on international relations in this regard, who wrote: Mark Levin reports that the US State Department is behind the current protests in Israel with the goal of toppling Netanyahu, possibly in order to close a deal with the Iranians.

On the other hand, the Zionist newspaper Yediot Aharonot also wrote that a high-ranking official in Netanyahu’s entourage during his trip to London also claimed that “the two American governments have practically tried to remove Netanyahu from power.”

This senior political official, who is accompanying Netanyahu on his trip to London, said in response to the question whether the US government interferes too much in Israel’s internal affairs, said: Not more than usual. They tried twice to remove Netanyahu from power. There was clear involvement, first by Clinton who admitted it, and later by the Obama administration. We have not reached that level yet, but in any case, there is a push in this regard.

Read more:

Netanyahu’s tour in London to promote Iranophobia

This is despite the fact that a few days ago, the US Foreign Ministry, in a rare move, summoned the Zionist ambassador to the United States, Mike Herzog, to the Knesset for canceling the secession law, and informed him of his objections to this issue. Because the cancellation of this law can pave the way for the reconstruction of four Zionist settlements that were dismantled in 2005 in the north of the West Bank.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman met with Herzog at the U.S. State Department and “expressed to him America’s concerns regarding the legislation passed by the Knesset to repeal important aspects of the 2005 separation law, including the ban on settlements in the northern West Bank.”

The US State Department announced that they also discussed the importance of all parties avoiding actions or rhetoric that could escalate tensions on the eve of Ramadan.

In this regard, this senior Zionist official close to Netanyahu said: The situation is not dire. This is a fixed matter, we have differences regarding settlements and there are also understandings. We had a meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh; they take seriously our efforts to prevent escalation… We have not breached our commitments regarding the law on the cancellation of separatism.

The Cabinet of the Zionist regime headed by Netanyahu presented a plan to reform the judicial system of this regime on January 4th of this year. Netanyahu, who has been on trial for years on charges of corruption, bribery and betrayal of trust, intends to escape from the trial by what he calls “judicial system reform”. This caused a wave of demonstrations and protests in the Zionist society and has been going on since 12 weeks ago, and the wave of protests has also spread to various army units of this regime.

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