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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Netanyahu’s one-man war against Israel!

Pak Sahafat – Zionist analysts warned of the possibility of a civil war between the various groups forming the Zionist regime becoming more serious as a result of the policies and actions of the extremist cabinet of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, quoting “Rai Elium”, the situation of the Zionist regime these days is like a gunpowder barrel that may explode at any moment, Zionist experts and analysts openly talk about the possibility of turning the current conflict among the Zionists into a “civil war”.

This situation has made companies and owners of large business capitals, especially in the advanced technology sector, continue to withdraw their capital from the occupied territories and evaluate the current situation as unbearable.

At the same time, Rai Elium wrote that protests in dozens of cities against Netanyahu’s cabinet and far-right plans to manipulate judicial regulations continue amid growing divisions between different “Israeli” groups, which are divided among them. The increase in the ratio of reverse migration from the occupied territories to America and European countries is another significant issue in this regard.

Meanwhile, the Zionist analyst “Rogel Alfer” wrote in a note like an open letter to Netanyahu in the Zionist newspaper “Haaretz”: You’re caught, you’re done. You were amazing, but your game is over. The dam behind which you are hiding has found holes and the truth is boiling inside the dam and will soon come out in the form of a slap that will drown you. You have nowhere to run; you have reached the end of the road. Raise your hands and admit your defeat to the opposition, a defeat you did not expect.

Read more:

Why is Netanyahu’s cabinet doomed to collapse?

Beaver wrote in an article in Haaretz: In the past few days, I have been exposed to conversations that I never imagined before. Many are talking about the various ways that a sudden civil war could lead to victory, the situation is very dangerous.

He continued: Will law enforcement agencies, security agencies and the army be neutral in the event of an increase in tensions and a civil war between Netanyahu’s supporters on the one hand and supporters of the Supreme Court and the judiciary on the other, if not; Which side will they stand? Unfortunately, I can’t go into the details of each of the possible scenarios here, just thinking about them makes me sick.

This Zionist regime analyst added: Yedidia Stern, head of the Jewish Policy Institute, explained to me that we are closer to civil war than the period of the death of Yitzhak Rabin (former prime minister of the Zionist regime) and the withdrawal from Gaza in 2005.

According to Beaver, what has been seen and heard on the front lines of protests and social networks in the past few weeks, questions the hypothesis of the improbability of a civil war.

In recent weeks, the occupied territories have seen massive demonstrations against Netanyahu’s far-right cabinet policies for reforms in the judicial system of this regime. Monday, the last demonstrations, including in the occupied city of Quds and in front of the Knesset (Parliament)

These demonstrations have been held in the shadow of a fierce conflict between the coalition of the far-right cabinet led by Netanyahu and the opposition faction led by Yair Lapid, the former prime minister of the Zionist regime.

The leaders of the opposition of the Zionist regime consider the judicial reforms of Netanyahu’s cabinet to weaken the judicial system and Netanyahu’s attempt to prevent his trial for three cases of corruption and bribery, and they believe that these actions of the cabinet will lead the Zionist regime to conflict and civil war and collapse.

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