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Friday, September 20, 2024

Mujtahid reveals: Bin Salman at the intersection of Ankara and Abu Dhabi

Mujtahid revealed that Saudi Arabia’s request for help from Turkey in Yemen is accompanied by conditions that anger the UAE.

Mujtahid, a well-known revealer of the secrets of Al-Saud, tweeted that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman would have to seek help from Turkey in Yemen in the current emergency situation, and that Turkey would accept this on condition that it would anger the UAE.

Mujtahid added, therefore, bin Salman is at a crossroads between being forced to seek help from Turkey and obtaining the consent of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed.

According to the report, Saudi Arabia has asked Turkey for help in the war in Yemen, which Ankara has agreed to.

Of course, Turkey’s presence in this war will not be as heavy as its presence in Libya, and Ankara will provide logistical support to the Saudis and provide its drones to the Saudis to counter Ansarullah attacks.

For more than a year, there has been a lot of talk in the Yemeni media about Turkey’s presence in Yemen. Although the Al-Islah Brotherhood is part of the Saudi coalition and provides a significant part of the militias affiliated with Mansour Hadi’s government, the UAE presence in the southern regions of Yemen has drawn the Brotherhood to Turkey. Taiz province, as the main base of the Brotherhood aligned with Turkey, has been in a state of tension for months, and the Brotherhood has been at odds with elements of the Southern Transitional Council, which has the full support of the UAE.

In the time of Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia has been embroiled in crises that tensions with Turkey have not helped resolve. The prolongation of the Yemeni war, the outbreak of the corona, the decline in oil revenues, the coming to power of “Joe Biden” and the failure of the plan to overthrow Bashar al-Assad’s government have all imposed conditions on the Saudi Crown Prince that he believes partnership with Turkey will reduce the severity of these crises.

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