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Friday, September 20, 2024

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi: Washington must boycott military support for the Saudi coalition

A member of the Yemeni Supreme Political Council called on the United States to boycott support for the Saudi aggression coalition against Yemen.

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council, called for a boycott of military and weapons support, citing the Saudi coalition’s crimes against Yemen.

Al-Houthi wrote on his Twitter account: “The United States should issue a statement banning arms, aircraft and logistical support to Saudi Arabia and its coalition for aggression against Yemen; “It’s better to reconsider by February 26.” He is referring to the expiration date of the exchange license with the Yemeni Ansarullah movement.

The US Treasury Department recently issued an authorization to trade with the Yemeni Ansarullah movement until February 26 (March 28) following protests against the boycott.

Al-Houthi also wrote: “The assets of the US Treasury Department are all the price of terrorism of the aggressor US-Saudi-Emirati coalition against Yemen by killing children and women and destroying Yemen and starving it.”

Saudi Arabia, at the head of a US-backed Arab coalition, has launched a military aggression against Yemen and imposed a land, air and sea siege on April 26, 2015, claiming an attempt to bring the ousted Yemeni president back to power. The military aggression did not achieve any of the goals of the Saudi coalition and was only accompanied by the killing and wounding of tens of thousands of Yemenis, the displacement of millions, the destruction of the country’s infrastructure and the spread of famine and infectious diseases.

Saudi officials have repeatedly announced a decision to establish a ceasefire in Yemen; However, they have never reduced the intensity of their attacks on Yemen and have not taken any action to reduce or eliminate its comprehensive siege, and in some cases, they have increased their attacks by using fire-fighting tactics.

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