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Friday, September 20, 2024

Israeli media: Biden’s trip didn’t have any results

According to Israeli experts, Biden’s trip to the region, especially his trip to Saudi Arabia, could not bring Israel the desired results.

According to the report of the international group of Pak Sahafat news agency, In an article that was published a few hours ago in the outlet of this network’s information base, Yediot Aharanot newspaper, under the title, Where Biden failed, has stated that in America, more and more knives are being prepared to cut off Joe Biden’s head, and the number of his critics is multiplying.

In this article, Tesfi Shimolovich emphasizes that Joe Biden’s popularity has declined due to his handshake with Benjamin Netanyahu and the agreement with the corrupt Saudi leader (Mohammed bin Salman), while his doubts about returning to the nuclear agreement with Iran are gaining momentum.

In the continuation of this note, it is stated that no one in America is paying attention to Biden’s trip to Israel, the American people are busy with their internal issues, problems such as inflation, high prices, abortion and democracy are considered the most important concerns of the American society.

It is emphasized in another part of this note: The decrease in Biden’s popularity in the polls is quite significant and deep, he is almost no longer respected and even his supporters in the Democratic Party are gradually turning away from him.

Read more:

Ansarullah: Biden’s trip is within the framework of the confiscation of the right to freedom of the nations of the region

According to this Israeli analyst, old Democrats like Joe Biden have a special affection for a kind of Israel’s face, a face that is basically no longer heard of in the real world, because Israel is no longer the victim that was previously portrayed.

In addition, Israel is no longer considered a luxury democracy.

On the other hand, the economic newspaper Globes emphasized in a report in this regard that although Joe Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia brought good messages, these messages were also partial (negligible).

In this report, it is emphasized that during his trip to Saudi Arabia, he should try to take measures that will lead to the reduction of fuel prices in the United States before the mid-term elections in the United States next November, but he was not very successful in this. The Saudis promised to increase oil production capacity up to 13 million barrels, but this step cannot necessarily have a direct impact on production, which itself has a large impact on global prices.

According to the author of this report, the promise of the Saudis, who currently produce 10.55 million barrels of oil per day, to increase production capacity to 13 million barrels does not mean actual production and an immediate increase in oil production to this figure.

This Hebrew-language economic media continues to emphasize that, in addition to Saudi Arabia’s production capacity, Riyadh’s concern about Moscow’s reaction is also significantly involved in this decision because Mohammed bin Salman does not want to anger the Russians in any way.

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