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Friday, September 20, 2024

Islamic Jihad: The normalization of some Arabs with the occupiers is a failed process

A member of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, in a meeting with the Lebanese Sunni Mufti, stressed that the normalization of relations between some Arabs and the occupying Zionist regime is a failed process.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, yesterday, Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan, the Sunni Mufti of Lebanon, hosted a delegation from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement headed by Sheikh Nafiz Azzam, a member of the movement’s political bureau.

Ehsan Ataya, the representative of the Islamic Jihad movement in Lebanon, and a number of other officials of the movement also attended the meeting.

Sheikh Nafez Azzam announced after the meeting that we came from Palestine and Gaza and that the issue of Palestine was at the center of our conversation.

Also, the positions of the Lebanese Fatwa and all the people of this country towards the Palestinians are quite clear. Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan emphasized his continued support for the Palestinian cause and praised the heroic actions of the Palestinian people, as well as the resistance fighters, as well as the great victory that the Palestinian resistance achieved in the Battle of the Sword of Jerusalem.

Read  more: Islamic Jihad: Granting citizenship to Zionists is a stain on the face of the traitorous UAE regime: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=8145

This member of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement emphasized that, without a doubt, the issue of Palestine is the issue of the entire Islamic Ummah, and the Islamic Ummah, with all its currents and components, stands by Palestine and the aspirations of the people of this country. We also condemn the new wave of normalization of relations between some Arab countries and the occupying Zionist regime; because this is a betrayal of the Palestinian people, and normalization is a failed process that has failed before and will continue to fail, God willing.

He stated that in the meeting with Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan, we agreed that the issue of Palestine will remain the main issue of all Arabs and Muslims and needs more support from all Arabs and Muslims around the world. The Lebanese Dar al-Fatwa also stressed that it would do everything it could to support the Palestinians and their resistance to the occupying regime.

The Islamic Jihad official said in the end, Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan’s main idea was that all preachers and preachers in the Islamic world should speak constantly about Jerusalem and its place and symbol in the Palestinian-Zionist conflict, as well as the place of this holy city for Islam and all Muslims. We thank the Lebanese Fatwa, as well as all the people of this country, who have always stood by the nation and the Palestinian cause.

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