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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Islamic Jihad: Normalization with Israel is betrayal of Palestine

Pak Sahafat – The spokesman of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad condemned the normalization of relations between Turkey and the Zionist regime and the exchange of ambassadors between the two sides.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, quoted by the Palestine Al-Yum network, Tariq Salmi, the spokesman of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, stated in his remarks that the normalization of relations between the Turkish government and the Zionist regime and their agreement to exchange ambassadors in the shadow of Tel Aviv’s increasing aggression and crimes, encouraged this regime to commit more aggression against the Palestinians.

He said that the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime under any circumstances and by any Arab or Islamic country is a betrayal of the Palestinian nation.

It is worth mentioning that Turkey and the Zionist regime on Tuesday announced an agreement to normalize relations and exchange ambassadors between the two sides.

This decision has been taken while 12 days have passed since the aggressive war of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip and the martyrdom of 49 Palestinians and the wounding of more than 360 others.

In the statement of the Prime Minister’s Office of the Zionist regime, it is stated that this agreement was reached during a telephone conversation between Lapid and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey.

Lapid also said in a speech about this: the resumption of relations with Turkey is an important asset for regional stability and a very important economic promise for our citizens.

Some experts believe that Ankara is suffering from various economic crises, and Erdogan believes that the solution to these problems is to improve the relations between Ankara and Tel Aviv, and for this reason, he invites the leaders of the occupying Jerusalem regime to improve and strengthen relations with Turkey. The invitation of Isaac Herzog, the head of the Zionist regime, to Turkey and the sending of the Turkish foreign minister to Tel Aviv were all done in line with the same goal.

In fact, Ankara is looking for economy in the occupied territories because the security and intelligence relations between Ankara and Tel Aviv have not been cut off, as Erdogan announced.

Read more:

Islamic Jihad warns Zionists about intensifying attacks on Quds residents

Turkey’s eyes are on the stolen Palestinian gas and it is trying to transfer this gas from Turkish soil to Europe so that Ankara can gain a geopolitical advantage as an energy gateway from East to West, and besides receiving cheap gas from the Zionist regime, every year, billions of dollars will be spent on the right of passage of gas.

Turkey is also trying to open a gate to strengthen relations with the Zionists through tourism and trade, although the volume of business relations between Ankara and Tel Aviv has exceeded 4 billion dollars per year.

This is the only Palestinian nation that loses from the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime and from giving legal aid to the occupiers.

Turkey tries to justify its relations with the occupiers through communication with the self-governing organizations in Ramallah because it knows that the silence of the self-governing organizations can somewhat reduce the noise and protests formed against Ankara-Tel Aviv relations.

Meanwhile, Ankara is trying to convince the Palestinians that the normalization of relations with the occupiers is for the benefit of the Palestinian nation.

The Palestinian nation and resistance condemn and reject any normalization of relations with the occupiers, and these lies cannot be accepted by the Palestinian nation.

The Palestinian nation does not accept the normalization of Turkey’s relations with the occupiers; just as it does not accept the normalization of relations between the UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan and the Maghreb.

In addition, based on its relations with the Zionist occupation, Turkey limited the activities of the Palestinian Islamic Movement (Hamas) in its territory.

In addition to establishing political and economic cooperation with the Zionist occupiers, Turkey also uses the influence of Zionist lobbies to improve Washington-Ankara relations and resolve existing disputes.

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