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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Iraq: We are against normalization with the Zionist regime

Pak Sahafat – The Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, during the meeting with the Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, once again emphasized his country’s opposition to the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from Iraqi media, in a meeting with the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, “Ziyad Al-Nakhleh”, Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, thanked and appreciated the decision of the Iraqi Parliament to criminalize the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.

Al-Nakhleh emphasized: The strength, independence and unity of Iraq is the strength of Palestine and its resistance.

In this meeting, Al-Halbousi emphasized that the official and popular position of Iraq is to support the Palestinian issue, the oppression of the Palestinian people and the right to resist the occupation of the Zionist regime.

Read more:

Iraqi MP: The normalizers of relations with Israel are originally Zionists

Al-Halbousi stated that Iraq is against the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, and he proved it by decisively passing the criminalization law.

He also added: Our least duty is Arab support for the Palestinian nation and their resistance, and we should not leave this nation alone in the fight against the occupying regime.

After changing the name of the law “Prohibiting normalization and establishing relations with the Zionist regime” to “Criminalizing normalization with the Zionist regime”, the Iraqi parliament approved it.

After the approval of this law, the representatives present in the Iraqi parliament chanted “No to Israel”.

This legal bill was introduced to the parliament with the proposal of the Sadr movement and the support of all the Shia political movements (coordination framework coalition) and was approved by the majority of votes in order to close the way for those who are trying to secretly communicate with this usurping regime.

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