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Friday, September 20, 2024

Iraq confiscated the property of the politician supporting the Israeli regime

Pak Sahafat – The Iraqi government confiscated the property of an Iraqi politician who supports the normalization of relations between the country and the Zionist regime.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, quoting from Arabic site 21, the example of al-Alousi is one of the Iraqi political figures who traveled to Tel Aviv in 2005, and Ahmed Chalabi, the late leader of the Iraqi National Congress at the time, expelled him from his party after this news was revealed.

Al-Alousi was forced to form a political organization called “Umm” party after no party was willing to accept him as a member. He is still one of the main supporters of the relationship with the Israeli regime in Iraq, along with some Iraqi Kurdistan parties, and has also moved his main residence to Erbil.

In order to reduce sensitivities, the Zionists changed the issue of their security and intelligence presence in northern Iraq to humanitarian issues and raised the issue of the properties of Iraqis of Jewish origin living in the occupied territories of Palestine in the northern regions of Iraq and gave an excuse to leave.

The foundation plan for the normalization of relations between Iraq and the Zionist regime, which was held under the deviant title of the “Peace and Resistance” meeting in Erbil, led to a colossal failure at all official, popular and political levels.

This meeting, which was held last Friday in Erbil with the planning and support of one of the most important American institutions in charge of normalizing relations between the Zionist regime and the Arab countries, was met with failure at all official, public and political levels, to the point where the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government, which hosted It was sitting, and he looked for an ax.

Al-Alousi was one of the participants in this normalization meeting with the Zionist regime in Erbil.

Arabi site 21 wrote today, Wednesday, that the relevant Iraqi authorities have now ordered the confiscation of the movable and immovable property of this former Member of Parliament and head of Ummah party.

Read more:

Iraqi MP: The normalizers of relations with Israel are originally Zionists

Al-Alousi also reacted to the issuance of this sentence on his Twitter and wrote: I only have a pension and I will not change my political method.

In the past, after Al-Alousi wanted to normalize relations with the Israeli regime, the “Israel in Arabic” user account affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Israeli regime praised Al-Alousi’s position and called him a “brave man”.

Al-Alousi said that he “wants to be a bridge between Baghdad and Tel Aviv and is not ready to trade his nation for the Palestinians.”

These statements of al-Alousi met with widespread anger among the people, Iraqi politicians and pro-Palestinian activists on social networks, and they considered him a “traitor”.

This legal bill was introduced to the parliament with the proposal of the Sadr movement and the support of all the Shia political movements (coordination framework coalition) and was approved by the majority of votes in order to close the way for those who are trying to secretly communicate with this usurping regime.

The said law consists of 10 main articles, the purpose of the law is to preserve the national, Islamic and human values ​​of Iraq and the principles of the Iraqi nation in defense of the Palestinian issue and prevent any attempt to normalize or establish relations with the usurping Zionist regime.

It should be noted that the Iraqi criminal law previously considered any attempt to establish a relationship with this usurping regime as a crime and punishable by death according to Article 201 of this law.

Article 201 of the Iraqi Criminal Code states that “anyone who propagates for Zionism, including Freemasonry, or is attributed to it or any of its related organizations, or who propagates materially or in writing or in any other way for this matter, He deserves to be executed.

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