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Friday, September 27, 2024

Iranian source: The Vienna agreement is subject to the resolution of the remaining issues

While some media outlets are reporting that the Vienna agreement is imminent, a source close to the Iranian negotiating team said that reaching a final agreement depends on resolving the remaining issues.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, a source close to the Iranian negotiating team in Vienna stressed that the final agreement will depend on the resolution of the remaining issues, including those discussed during the IAEA Director General’s visit to Tehran.

While in recent days, especially today Thursday, there has been a lot of speculation on social media and networks that the Vienna agreement is imminent, a source close to the Iranian negotiating team clarified whether the Vienna talks are over: “The principle is that nothing is agreed on until everything is agreed upon. Some issues still remain.”

Among the issues that need to be resolved before an agreement can be reached are the issues of safeguards that will be discussed during the visit of Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency to Tehran.

Read more: US: Progress has been made in the last round of Vienna talks: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=17638

The Vienna talks and the Zionist struggle: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20408

According to a spokesman for the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi will travel to Tehran on Saturday to meet with Mohammad Eslami, head of the Atomic Energy Organization, and other Iranian officials, after which he will return to Vienna to answer reporters’ questions at a news conference.

Given Grossi’s visit to Tehran, as well as the emphasis on sources close to the Iranian negotiating team, reaching an agreement in Vienna before resolving the remaining issues – which Grossi’s visit to Tehran is doing in the same way – cannot be considered anything more than media speculation.

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