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Friday, September 20, 2024

International Women’s Day and the occupying regime

The Center for the Study of Palestinian Prisoners accuses international organizations of ignoring the plight of Palestinian women who are being subjected to all-out occupation and harassment by the Israeli regime, especially female prisoners in prisons, and whom suffering by the racist regime.

Riyad al-Ashqar, director of the center, said in a report on International Women’s Day, held on March 8 each year, that many of Palestinian prisoners are completely passed from the legal scenes, texts in honor of and protection of women, protection of their rights and compensation for their harm from injustice and persecution have been subjected to repressive and aggressive actions and are deprived of all human rights.

Al-Ashqar explained that the number of arrest cases targeting Palestinian women since 1967 has reached more than 16,000, and that 35 women are still being held in Israeli jails.

The occupier regime’s method of detaining women is no different from the usual method of detaining men. These detentions are usually aimed at pressuring the relatives of women and their families to obtain confessions or provide information or to extradite wanted persons. A Palestinian captive woman is subjected to severe interrogation, physical and psychological torture, repression and the like during her detention, and medical negligence must be added to all this.

Detained women are of all ages, including sick, pregnant, disabled, and underage girls. Occupying authorities still hold 35 Palestinian women prisoners in harsh conditions.

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