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Friday, September 20, 2024

Ilhan Omar called for action against the anti-Muslim statements of the American legislator

Ilhan Omar called on members of the US House of Representatives to take appropriate action against a Republican lawmaker for using an anti-Islamic tone in his speech to Congress.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency quoted Associated Press: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic lawmakers have called on Republican Lauren Boybert to retract his remarks.

Ms. Bubert recently made the remarks, according to a video clip posted on his Twitter account titled “PatriotTakes.” In the clip, she says she and an employee were riding in a congressional elevator when they saw a congressional police officer running towards them in panic. She said she turned to the left and saw Omar standing next to them.

“Well, she doesn’t have a backpack,” Buebert said, referring to Ilhan Omar. We are safe. “Look, the Islamist team has decided to work today,” and the talk made the audience laugh.

Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, Ayana Presley and Rashid Talib, who are members of the US House of Representatives, are sometimes referred to as the “Islamist team”. Ilhan Omar publicly called on Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the House Majority, to discipline Buebert.

Read more: Ilhan Omar: Bin Salman’s impunity is a threat to the United States: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=3455

Pelosi and other Democrats in the US House of Representatives issued a statement urging Boybert to retract his remarks in full and refuse to do the same. They also called on Republican leaders to consider the issue and take real and appropriate action to avoid racism.

Ilhan Omar also announced that Bubert had told the story differently and tweeted: The truth is that this clown lowered his head when he saw me in Congress. This whole story is fake. It is unfortunate that he thinks bigotry is increasing his influence.

Bubert later tweeted: I apologize to the Muslim community for offending me by commenting on Ilhan Omar. I went to his office to talk to him directly. There are many differences in policy that can be focused on without these unnecessary deviations.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations also condemned Boebert’s remarks and issued a statement urging McCarthy and other Republican officials to refute Ms. Boebert. The council announced: “Boebert’s illusion about the backpack is an Islamophobic act in which all Muslims are ‘terrorists.’

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