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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hunger strike of political prisoners in Sudan

The Freedom and Change Coalition, along with the Sudanese Congress Party, announced a hunger strike for political prisoners.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, according to a clause in the “political agreement” signed between the military and the former prime minister of the Khartoum transitional government, all political prisoners must be released. The detainees include a number of Sudanese transitional government ministers and some of the country’s party and political figures arrested during a military coup. Although the whereabouts of these individuals are unknown, the process of releasing them has begun gradually, and so far few politicians have been released from prison.

The Central Council of the Coalition for Freedom and Change (former military partner in power and current opponent of the coup) issued a statement: Political prisoners have gone on an indefinite hunger strike.

The statement from the council said: Prisoners have been on a hunger strike since Friday in protest of poor detention conditions, which violate all national and international law, as well as their deprivation of their rights and freedoms.

Criticizing the uncertainty of the location of the detention of political prisoners, the Central Council of the Coalition for Freedom and Change stated: Security forces declined to comment on the whereabouts of the detainees and did not allow their lawyers to meet with the detainees.

In a statement, the council blamed the military for the health of all political prisoners: There is a certainty that political prisoners will be released sooner or later, and that the will of the Sudanese people will lead to the neutralization of the November 3 coup and the trial of the coup plotters.

Read more: A Palestinian prisoner is on the verge of martyrdom after a three-month hunger strike: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=13948

The Sudanese Congress Party also issued a statement announcing the indefinite hunger strike of political prisoners: Among the detainees are advisers to the former Khartoum government, the party’s secretary and leader of the Sudanese Federal Assembly.

The statement said: prisoners have gone on strike to protest their arbitrary detention by the military and the deprivation of their most basic legal rights.

Sudanese military and security officials have not yet announced the number of political prisoners, but most of the ministers in the Khartoum transitional government have been arrested and sent to prison along with a number of political party leaders.

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