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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hundreds of thousands of British live in insecure towers

Pak Sahafat – The latest results of a British study show that five years after the devastating Grenfell towers fire that killed more than 70 people, the exterior cladding of 9,790 residential towers in the UK is of the same type as the use of It was banned following the Grenfell incident.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency on Friday, four days later, five years have passed since the burning of the Grangle Tower in the heart of London, and the government has covered the building so that the black skeleton does not appeal to the locals. Grenfell is located in the Kensington area, which is one of the aristocratic neighborhoods of London.

Most of the residents of the tower were immigrants, some of whom died in the flames, and others are still displaced in the city due to government delays. The Grenfell Tower fire, which occurred on June 14, 2017, was initially attributed to a faulty refrigerator on the fourth floor of the building, but it was later determined that the cause of the rapid spread of the fire to other floors was due to the building material. The finger of blame then went to the district municipality and the Theresa government, who used cheap, economic coverage to reduce costs.

In December 2018, the British government banned the use of plastic insulation on the exterior of buildings taller than 18 meters to prevent a repeat of the Grenfell tragedy. But hundreds of thousands of people are still trapped in insecure buildings facing a veneer crisis and unable to sell it, according to research by Al-Buci radio network.

According to statistics, at least 903 buildings with a height of more than 18 meters in the UK have cladding that must be replaced immediately for safety reasons. Medium residential buildings between 1120 and 8890 (11 to 18 meters high) have similar conditions, but government officials have not yet taken concrete action.

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Matt Hodges Long, director of the UK Building Safety Authority, called the figures a “scandal”, but warned that the actual number of buildings at risk was higher than the figures released. The British Minister of Housing, Michael Gove, who spoke to Al-Busi radio a few hours ago, did not have exact statistics on the towers that have dangerous coatings.

He said he could only provide figures for the number of buildings more than 18 meters high that are still covered with the same cover as the Grenfell Tower.

The British government has provided 3.5 billion in funding to replace the old cladding of private buildings with more than six floors. According to the British Minister of Housing, 2,824 applications for government grants have been registered. Of these, 943 requests are pending; 254 buildings have started renovation work and only 30 buildings have been completed.

According to Insider Housing, this statistic is a small part of the iceberg of a catastrophe. Many British buildings are covered with other flammable materials for which the government has not allocated funds to replace them, and in fact residents have to pay the bills for repairs.

According to Insider Housing, most people living in the middle to high towers of England face some sort of defective coating crisis.

The leader of the British Fire Brigade says he does not hope the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire will lead to significant changes. Matt Rock told Al-Baysi today that he felt that no one was learning and that the process of removing dangerous veils was painfully slow.

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