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Friday, September 20, 2024

Hezbollah rocket-propelled grenades force Zionists to make changes at Dimona power plant

A Zionist network reported that changes at the Dimona nuclear power plant in occupied southern Palestine were linked to the development of missile capabilities by Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah movement.

After the Associated Press yesterday published satellite images of infrastructure changes at the Zionist nuclear power plant called “Dimona” in the “Al-Naqab” desert, and the military correspondent of the 12th channel of the Zionist television’s reason for these changes was to avoid.

According to the Al-Mayadin news website, a Channel 12 reporter on the Dimona nuclear power plant said that the site was heavily guarded and that “it is the most secretive Israeli site that, according to foreign sources, produces nuclear bombs in this reactor.”

The Zionist regime is the only holder of nuclear weapons in the West Asian region, which, with the support of Western countries, has refused to join international treaties to monitor its nuclear weapons program.

He continued: “Recently, Iran and Hezbollah have demonstrated the capability of long-range attacks, point-to-point missiles and cruise missiles that were able to target Israel’s strategic positions, especially reactors.”

Although experts have given various reasons for this action of the Zionists and the exact reason has not been announced yet; But the military correspondent of Channel 12 said in this regard: “It seems that the issue is related to the consolidation project, according to which the facilities on the ground will be moved to the basement and the ability to damage it will be reduced in the event of a missile hitting the reactor.”

He also stated: “Improving the strength of defense and air, and the intensive construction of fortifications here, is critical to maintaining the security of this site.”

Recently, the International Panel on Fissile Materials released satellite images showing that the Zionist regime had developed the Nego Nuclear Research Center (Dimona Nuclear Power Plant), which was also confirmed by the Associated Press.

Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, threatened last summer on the anniversary of Hezbollah‘s victory in the war against the Zionist regime: “After the closure of the Haifa ammonia plant, Israel should also think about the Dimona nuclear reactors, because the Dimona nuclear disaster will be more dangerous than the Haifa ammonia.”

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