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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hezbollah in Iraq: Bin Salman to pay the price for his decision against Iraq

In response to the bloody bombings in Baghdad, Kataeb Hezbollah stressed that the bombings were carried out on a joint plan by the United States, the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia.

The Iraqi group “Kataeb Hezbollah” called the United States, the Israeli regime and Saudi Arabia the axis of evil and described them as the perpetrators of the terrorist bombings in Baghdad.

Hezbollah in Iraq, in response to the terrorist attacks that left 32 dead and 110 wounded, said: “The evil Zionist, American and Saudi gangs have once again resumed their criminal and dirty acts against the children of our Iraqi people by committing an ugly crime that targeted the market full of poor Iraqis.”

The Iraqi group stressed: “The coincidence of this crime with the inauguration of the new US administration shows that the axis of evil continues to move in the direction of its plan to bring the beloved people of Iraq to their knees; “People who insist on the withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraq.”

Hezbollah in Iraq stressed that all the interests of the American enemy are a legitimate target and that there is no difference between left-wing and right-wing Americans:

“Our proud people have resisted all the efforts of the United States and its mercenaries inside and outside Iraq to impose American hegemony and will, and have made great sacrifices among their best youth to make this country free, independent, and prosperous.”

The statement also warned the Saudi Crown Prince about the plans: “We reiterate what we have said before about bin Salman’s decision and his intention to support the resumption of brutal operations [in Iraq]. We had previously warned him not to play with the lion’s tail; For this fire will spread to the kingdom of evil, and will take hold of their weak throne. Despite these warnings, he not only did not renounce these crimes, but even more so, he stained his hands with the blood of innocents. “So he will pay the price for this decision.”

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