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Friday, September 20, 2024

Hamas: The UN vote proved that Israel is the main threat to peace

Pak Sahafat – The spokesman of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said that the United Nations vote on the resolution against the nuclear weapons of the Zionist regime proved that this regime is the main threat to peace.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Tuesday, quoting Ahed news site, Jihad Taha, the spokesman of Hamas, stated in a speech: The maximum vote of the United Nations General Assembly for the resolution that obliges the Zionist regime to destroy its nuclear weapons, once again proved that this regime is the main threat to peace and security.

On Sunday, the Zionist newspaper “Israel Hum” wrote that 152 countries of the world wanted Israel to join the NPT Treaty.

According to this newspaper, the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly declared with a majority vote that Tel Aviv should carry out any nuclear activities under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Israel Hume added that 152 countries voted in favor of this request and only 5 countries voted against it and asked Tel Aviv to join the NPT treaty.

Read more:

Hamas official: The resistance will continue until the occupation is eradicated

Earlier, some countries, including Iran, Kuwait and Syria, asked the international community to fulfill their responsibilities for the Israeli regime to join the international treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons “NPT” in order to rid the Middle East of this type of weapon.

The NPT treaty was prepared for countries to sign on July 1, 1968, and on this date, the United States, England, and 59 other countries signed it. China became a member of this treaty on March 9, 1992 and France on August 3, 1992.

Currently, 186 countries of the world are members of this treaty. The regime of Israel and the countries of Cuba, India and Pakistan are not members of this treaty. Also, North Korea also withdrew from this treaty a few years ago.

Monitoring the implementation of the NPT Treaty and its additional protocol is the responsibility of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is considered one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations.

The International Atomic Energy Agency was established in 1957 with the aim of facilitating the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and preventing the use of the agency’s aid for military purposes, and its headquarters are in Vienna.

In the framework of the safeguards system established by the NPT Treaty, this agency conducts inspections of the nuclear facilities of the member states in order to check the compliance of the NPT member states with the provisions of this treaty.

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