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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hamas: The stigma of living under a no-fly zone is enough for the Zionists

A senior official of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement said that this stigma was enough for the Zionist regime to be forced by the Palestinian resistance to live under conditions of no-fly zone.

Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior official with the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), said Sunday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent remarks about the imminence of victory in the Gaza Strip were “worthless.”

He continued his speech: “Netanyahu’s talk about the imminence of victory is ridiculous, because killing children is terrorism, not victory.”

The senior Hamas member added: “This disgrace is enough for the Zionist regime that the Palestinian resistance forced the Zionists to live under the conditions of the no-fly zone.”

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that 192 Palestinians, 58 of them children, had been killed in the seven days of Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip.

According to the report, 34 of the martyrs were women and more than 1,200 Palestinians have been injured so far.

The UN Secretary-General said on Sunday evening, Tehran time, at a special virtual meeting of the UN Security Council on the Zionist regime’s conflict with Palestine that he was shocked by the large number of Palestinian civilian casualties.

Regarding the escalation of the conflict between Palestine and the Israeli regime, the UN Secretary General added that this issue may lead to the most severe military and humanitarian crisis in the region.

Clashes between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist regime began on Monday, May 10, after the end of the resistance strike in Tel Aviv over the need for an end to the regime’s aggression in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Palestinian resistance, which started a new wave of missile and rocket attacks against Tel Aviv, Asqalan, Sedirut, Ashdod and other areas around Tel Aviv on Saturday afternoon, continued to shell Zionist positions last night.

According to the report, resistance groups in Gaza fired a large number of missiles and rockets at the center of occupied Palestine, including Tel Aviv, this time targeting even areas farther from Tel Aviv, and resistance missiles even near Nablus and Netanya. “

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