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Friday, September 20, 2024

Hamas: Mahmoud Abbas’s decisions violate the constitution

The Hamas movement rejects the decisions of the head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, regarding the judiciary and violates the constitution.

A spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called the decisions of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas a violation of the constitution.

Hamas spokesman Qassim Hazem said, according to the Palestinian Safa news agency: “Violations of the constitution by the decisions of the head of the self-governing body, Mahmoud Abbas are rejected and condemned, called the amendment of the laws of the judiciary.”

He said, “This violation of the constitution is a real concern, which is fueled by the insistence of the head of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah on the violation of the principles of the constitution and laws in legislation and the amendment of laws.”

A Hamas spokesman said Mahmoud Abbas‘ recent decisions sought to illegally control the judiciary and run it, violating any independence of the judiciary.

The Palestinian Bar Association has recently called for the repeal of Mahmoud Abbas’ three decisions regarding the reorganization and restructuring of the judiciary, stressing that these decisions undermine any attempt to reform the judiciary and make it dependent on the executive branch.

Mahmoud Abbas’ decision comes on the eve of a three-day election (presidential, parliamentary and national council) to be announced within the next week.

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