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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hamad bin Jassim’s sarcasm to Sudan: What is the cost of a warm welcome from the Israeli delegation?

While condemning the efforts of the Sudanese Governing Council to normalize relations with the Zionists, the Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Hamad bin Jassim said that these measures will not benefit the Sudanese people.

According to the report of Pak Sahafat News Agency, the Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Hamad bin Jassim, strongly criticized the Sudanese Governing Council and its efforts to normalize relations with the Zionist interim regime.

Al-Khalij Al-Jadeed news site quoted Bin Jassim and wrote that Sudan’s actions in normalizing relations are not successful; although the ruling regime of Sudan has received [economic] promises.

He continued: When welcoming the Israeli delegation that recently visited Khartoun, I saw laughter and joy on the face of the head of the Transitional Military Council of Sudan. What is the cost of this warm welcome and what benefit will it have for Sudan?

This Qatari diplomat pointed out: I am sure that Sudan and the people of this country have the greatest commitment to the Palestinian issue and support the Palestinian issue and other issues of the Arab world. Sudan has paid a heavy price for these noble national positions.

Ben Jassim stated that Qatar had also opened a trade office for the Zionist regime in a special situation, but immediately closed it, saying: If Sudan – based on a recommendation – believes that the relationship with Israel will cause comes close to America, this advice will not lead anywhere”

In this connection, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) strongly condemned the statement of the Sudanese Foreign Ministry about the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime last Friday.

Hamas emphasized: We consider this step to be a deviation from the historical and authentic position of the Sudanese nation, which rejects the approach of normalizing relations and supports the Palestinian people, the justice of the cause of these people, their national rights, the Arabness of Al-Quds, and the Islamic nature of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

At the end of this statement it is stated: We emphasize the rejection of any normalization of relations with the fascist Zionist regime and ask the leaders of Sudan to return from this wrong path; the path that will only benefit the plans of the occupiers and its goal is to target the unity of the nation. This action also contradicts the opinion and interests of the brotherly nation of Sudan.

After returning from Sudan, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said on Thursday that Rabat and Tel Aviv will sign a compromise agreement with each other. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan announced in a statement that the two sides agreed to continue efforts to normalize relations with each other during Eli Cohen’s visit.

This was the first time that the government of Sudan officially approved the visit of an official of the Zionist regime to that country; although, in recent years, reports of informal communication between the officials of the two sides had been published.

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