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Friday, September 20, 2024

Geopolitical revealed the details behind the curtain of Saudi relations with the Zionist regime

Geopolitical Futures news-analytical database revealed significant details of the secret relations between the Saudi government and the Zionist regime in a report and wrote that probably, “Mohammed bin Salman”, the Saudi crown prince, is looking for the public normalization of relations with this regime after reaching the royal throne.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, Geopolitical Futures News-Analytical Database has stated in its report that the members of the Saudi family have always emphasized communication and contact with the Zionists behind closed doors.

According to this website, Saudi leaders are always worried that the public normalization of relations with the Zionist regime will tarnish their image, because the Saudi nation, like other Arab nations, rejects interaction with the Zionists, even if it wants to recognize the existence of the occupying Al-Quds regime, and on this basis, the Saudi leaders, like other Arab rulers, have preferred to deal with the Zionists directly.

The geopolitical base then listed some of the secret contacts of the leaders of the Saudi regime with the Zionists and their positions in support of the Israeli regime and wrote: For many years, Bandar bin Sultan, the then secretary of the Saudi Supreme National Security Council, tried to establish secret relations with Israel with the coordination of Shabtai Shafit, the then head of the Mossad organization.

According to this website, Bandar bin Sultan was assigned as Saudi ambassador to Washington after the September 11th attacks to coordinate relations between Saudi security institutions and the American intelligence agencies and the Israeli regime. In a meeting with Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime in Amman, the capital of Jordan, during the 33-day war against Lebanon in 2006, he suggested that this regime destroy Hezbollah and that Saudi Arabia would pay the cost of the war instead.

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Saudi website: Riyadh and Israeli spy companies have started close cooperation

It is stated in this report that many officials of the Israeli regime secretly visited Saudi Arabia for security coordination during the last decade. Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in November 2020; although the Saudi Foreign Minister denied holding such a meeting. The sale of the “Pegasus” spy program by the Zionist technology company “NSO” to Saudi Arabia provided the basis for security cooperation between the two sides.

The site noted that the Saudis have openly adopted an anti-Israel position in the regional and international dimension, despite having deep secret relations with Israel.

According to Geopolitical, the relations between the Israeli regime and Saudi Arabia during the reign of Salman bin Abdulaziz became public on an unofficial level, and Turki Al-Faisal, the former head of the Saudi Intelligence Organization, met and talked with Tzipi Livni, the then Minister of Justice, and Amos Yadlin, the former head of the Military Intelligence Unit of the Israeli regime.

According to this report, in recent years, Saudi Arabia and the Israeli regime established economic relations with each other through the West Bank, Jordan and Cyprus through a third party in order to transfer Tel Aviv’s agricultural products and technology to the Saudi market. Saudi Arabia also opened its airspace to the Israeli regime’s airlines last July, and Yair Lapid, the interim prime minister of this regime, called it the first official step towards improving relations with Riyadh.

According to Geopolitical, the role of the Saudis is considered pivotal in the Israeli regime’s policy of expanding the scope of the compromise agreement. In 2017, Mohammed bin Salman visited Tel Aviv in line with the ambitious plan to build the city of “Neyum” on the shores of the Red Sea and the Israeli regime’s participation in it, as well as to discuss regional issues, and bin Salman preferred to keep this trip confidential.

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In 2019, Bin Salman agreed to the employment and residence plan of Arabs living in the occupied Palestinian territories in Saudi Arabia, and in this regard, dozens of representatives of the labor and technology sectors (residents of the occupied Palestinian territories) arrived in Riyadh to review investment contracts.

Mohammed bin Salman secretly expresses concern about the official and public normalization of relations with Israel because he is afraid that he will be condemned in the mass media of the Arab world for establishing diplomatic relations with the Israeli regime, because the Saudis claim to be protectors.

Bin Salman has already publicly recognized the existence of the Israeli regime and attacked Palestinian leaders, accusing them of corruption and mismanagement, of missing the opportunity to reach a compromise with Tel Aviv, and of being ungrateful for Riyadh’s generous financial aid.

This base wrote at the end: Bin Salman needs Israel’s help to realize his development plans, and even implements the Neom project near the northwestern borders of occupied Palestine to facilitate the access of Israelis to this city and encourage them to cooperate economically. In practice, bin Salman wants an agreement to normalize relations with Israel, but perhaps to realize this goal, he is waiting for him to reach the royal throne in Saudi Arabia.

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