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For the first time in decades; General strike in the West Bank and lands 48

The people of the West Bank and the 1948 Occupied Palestinian Territories will launch a nationwide strike tomorrow (Tuesday) for the first time in decades to show solidarity with the people of Gaza and Jerusalem and condemn the crimes of the Zionist regime.

As today (Monday, May 17), the eighth day of the Zionist invasion of the Gaza Strip continues in the shadow of the passivity of the international community, all public works, student and commercial centers in the West Bank and the occupied territories of 1948, in solidarity with the people For the first time in decades, Jerusalem and Gaza called for a general strike and general civil disobedience on Tuesday.

According to the Arab 21 news website, student union councils at Palestinian universities in the West Bank declared tomorrow a day of general strike and called on all sectors, public and private jobs and businesses to declare their support for the resilient people of Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip will take part in a general strike on Tuesday.

Al-Shabaabah al-Fatahiyah (student organization of the Fatah movement) in the West Bank announced that all Palestinian universities would be closed next Tuesday so that students could take part in national activities and confront the occupiers at their points of contact and conflict.

As of Saturday (May 15th), all businesses and shops in the city of Ramallah have been closed to show solidarity with the families of Palestinian martyrs and to protest the aggression of Zionist militias and settlers against the Palestinian people across the country.

Palestinian Twitter users also republished the call with the hashtags “Solidarity_With_Gaza” and (Solidarity_With_Gaza) meaning solidarity with Gaza, calling for maximum participation of residents of the West Bank and the 1948 occupied territories in this civil disobedience.

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A user named Sarah wrote: “The longest strike in history took place in Palestine during the British occupation. History is repeating itself. So the people of Palestine, the proud people inside [the occupied territories of 1948] and the West Bank, hurry for this strike in revenge for Jerusalem and Gaza.”

Another user wrote: The occupying regime has lost more than a billion shekels [roughly three hundred and one million dollars] so far in this round of war. General strikes in the West Bank and inland [their lands] are destroying them economically. We in Palestine are more than them, we can change the equation.

Call for a general strike and civil disobedience in the 1948 occupied territories

On the other hand, the High Follow-up Committee of “Al-Jamahir Al-Arabiya Fi Al-Arazi Al-Muttalla 48” last night went on a nationwide strike in all occupied Palestinian cities inside the Green Line from next Tuesday to condemn the continuation of Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem. He also announced the escalation of attacks against Arabs living in the 48 lands.

According to the report, following a meeting of a committee of this committee with a representative of the joint list and political activists to investigate the escalation of police and settlement aggression in the city of Jaffa, it was decided to start a general strike on Tuesday, along with protest actions Plan for local authorities and people’s committees.

In an unprecedented move, the committee wrote a letter to various international and international organizations calling for immediate action to support the Arabs in the face of escalating repression and Israeli aggression, especially in recent days in Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip and Zionist settlers’ attacks on Arab citizens, especially in historic Palestinian cities such as Acre, Haifa, Jaffa, Al-Lad and Ramallah.

For the eighth day in a row, Zionist forces continue their brutal aggression against the Gaza Strip, targeting civilian facilities; ‌ Aggressive actions that, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health, on Sunday (yesterday), the number of victims of Zionist attacks in different parts of the strip Gaza has risen to 181 martyrs, including 52 children, 31 women and 1,225 wounded.

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