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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Erdoğan: US forces should withdraw from east of Euphrates in Syria

Pak Sahafat – President of Turkey said: American troops should be withdrawn from the areas east of the Euphrates in Syria.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Wednesday, quoting Anatoly, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in response to the questions of journalists accompanying him on the way back from Iran, added: the case of new military operations in northern Syria will remain open until our concerns about Turkey’s national security are resolved.

He added: Two groups Y.P.G (People’s Defense Units) and P.K.K (Kurdistan Workers Party) are wrong if they think they can deceive the Turkish army by raising the flag of the Syrian government in the north of this country.

With the increasing threats of Turkey to carry out military operations in northern Syria, under the pretext of the presence of armed Kurds, these forces, with the mediation of Russia, agreed to hand over the control of areas in the north and northeast of Syria to the Syrian army.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had previously said that “his country’s authorities are making the necessary preparations and preparing for a military operation in northern Syria”.

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A few days ago, he announced that “the area along 30 kilometers of the southern borders of Turkey is considered a security area for us and we do not want anyone to disturb us in this area, so we will carry out new operations”.

The Syrian government and people demand the withdrawal of Turkish forces from their country.

Since 2016, the Turkish army has been involved in two Euphrates Shield operations (3 September 1995 to 9 April 2016) and Operation Olive Branch (30 December 2016 to 4 April 2017), four thousand kilometers from Syrian territory, including Afrin and the cities of al-Bab, Azaz and Jarablus.

On the other hand, Ankara started the military operation called “Peace Fountain” in northern Syria on 25 October 2018 to push back the Kurdish militia known as the “Syrian Democratic Forces” from the border areas of Raqqa and Al-Hasakah, which lasted for a week. The ceasefire agreement between Ankara and Washington was suspended and Turkey gave the Kurdish militia five days to withdraw 32 kilometers from the Turkish border.

This is while the Syrian government has considered Turkey’s new attacks and threats as a clear violation of international laws and the sovereignty of Damascus and emphasized: “The attacks and threats of the Turkish regime are a clear violation of international laws and the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Syria and contrary to the agreements. And the outputs of the process are Astana.

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