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Friday, September 20, 2024

Disclosure of Trump’s order to suppress US protests; Crush their skulls

In his new book, an American journalist writes that the former president of the country called for the intervention of the army to suppress the protests and ordered the protesters to be shot.

The White House Journalist Michael Bender, a White House correspondent, exposes the crackdown on anti-racist protests in the United States in a book.

According to Sputnik, Bandar, who wrote in the book about the last year of the Donald Trump administration, wrote that he had repeatedly asked the military to take action to suppress protests in various cities, including Seattle and Portland.

According to the book, heated debates took place in the Oval Office of the White House (President’s Office) as the so-called “Black Lives Matter” protests erupted after police assassinated George Floyd, a black American citizen.

Bandar wrote about these meetings, Trump repeatedly asked law enforcement officials and the military: “Beat the protesters severely.”

He writes, quoting Trump: “You have to treat these people like this … crush their skulls.”

The book, due to be published in August, states that Trump had ordered in various situations during meetings in the White House Oval Office: “Shoot them.”

According to Bandar, Miley and US Secretary of Justice William Barr often tried to calm the atmosphere and dissuade Trump from issuing such orders, but the US President did not back down and said: “Well, shoot them in the leg … but be stubborn in front of them.”

In another part of the book, it is stated that in one of the meetings of the White House, which showed pictures of the protest scenes, “Stephen Miller,” Trump’s senior adviser, likened American cities to war zones and said: “These cities are burning in the fire.”

Mark Miley, who was present at the meeting, turned to Miller and said: “Shut up, Stephen … what we are witnessing is not revolt, it is protest.”

The American reporter said that in this book, which has started to be pre-sold virtually, he has interviewed more than 150 people, including Trump, and portrayed the fact that White House officials have been helpless with the president in the last months of the previous administration.

The last year of Trump’s presidency was marked by severe internal crises, including the widespread outbreak of the Corona virus, the economic crisis, and widespread anti-racist protests. Even after the end of his presidency, Trump plunged the United States into a new crisis by spreading widespread electoral fraud.

Trump and his associates have filed numerous complaints of fraud in various states, most of which have failed. After these failed attempts, Trump supporters incited him to attack the US Congress, which was confirming the victory of his Democratic rival, resulting in a number of deaths and injuries.

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