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Friday, September 20, 2024

Direct US support for Saudi-Emirati coalition war crimes in Yemen

The United States has directly facilitated and aided the war crimes of the Saudi-led coalition in the Yemeni conflict.

Pak Sahafat News Agency – The Yemeni war has killed nearly 250,000 people; many deaths have been caused by the United States.

US President Joe Biden had promised to end its involvement in the Yemeni conflict, but have so far failed to do so.

According to the World Peace Organization, the conflict between Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Yemen began in 2015 when Saudi Arabia and the UAE formed a coalition against Yemeni forces.

Early in the conflict, the United States provided weapons, logistics, and intelligence support to the Saudi-UAE-led coalition.

Several US administrations have continued to do so, but Biden has promised not to.

“The United States must end its support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen,” he said as he ran for president.

With the recent crisis escalating, this promise now seems difficult to fulfill; In January, Yemeni forces launched a missile and drone strike on Abu Dhabi in response to UAE-backed forces.

In a move, the Saudi-Emirati coalition launched airstrikes across Yemen, turning January, according to the United Nations, into one of the bloodiest months of the Yemeni war.

Read more: The dark history of the Saudi aggressor coalition in attacking on civilians in Yemen: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20738

In response, the Biden administration has redoubled its support for the coalition.

Human Rights Watch and other Yemeni and international groups have called on the United States and its allies to stop selling weapons to the Saudi-Emirati coalition, as this would directly violate human rights.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, this includes the deaths of nearly 250,000 people and has left more than half of Yemen’s population facing food insecurity.

The United States has directly facilitated and aided the war crimes of the Saudi-led coalition in the Yemeni conflict.

By providing them with information, supplies and weapons, the coalition has the tools to fight Yemeni forces and endanger the lives of millions of Yemenis.

The United States has a law that prohibits the sale of weapons to aggressor states, but by selling arms and providing military support to the Saudi-UAE alliance, it ignores this law and at the same time allows for possible war crimes during the conflict.

There have been long-standing concerns about non-response from all sides, which intensified in October when the UN Human Rights Council came under pressure from Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The council was pressured to end the mission of a group of leading UN experts on Yemen, the only international body to document serious human rights abuses.

Biden’s promise to end arms support for the Saudi-Emirati coalition was merely an electoral ploy during the US presidential election.

As we saw in January, the United States has allowed the conflict to continue and actually get worse.

The Biden government plans to designate Ansarullah as a “foreign terrorist organization” that faces opposition from human rights groups because it threatens the humanitarian aid on which millions of Yemenis rely for survival.

The United States has generally failed to address human rights abuses that occurred during the conflict in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia has only stepped up its airstrikes and tightened its siege, which the UN World Food Program (WFP) has said is restricting access to humanitarian aid and creating one of the worst famines in modern history.

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