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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Details of the conflict between the Iranian border forces and the Taliban

A clash broke out between Iranian border guards and the Taliban over a border misunderstanding in the Shaghalak area near Nimroz province this afternoon.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, a clash broke out between Iranian border guards and the Taliban over a border misunderstanding in the Shaghalak area near Nimroz province this afternoon.

The story goes that in recent years, walls have been erected inside Iran, a few hundred meters from the border with Afghanistan, to fight against smugglers and miscreants; today, some Iranian farmers have crossed these walls but been inside Iran’s borders, but because of these walls, Taliban forces think their border has been violated.

Following this incident, Taliban forces fired at the Iranians, which was answered by an exchange of Iranian forces.

The clashes are said to have ended and Iran is justifying the Taliban over the border.

Read more: Which Taliban is present in Iran today?: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=8303

In an interview with Tasnim, an informed official stressed that the marginal news that the Taliban had seized Iran’s border checkpoints was fundamentally false. Some of the images were released for the first moments of the conflict, and now the border forces are completely in control of the country’s borders.

Taliban reaction

The Taliban government later confirmed in a statement that clashes between Iranian and Afghan forces had taken place today in the border area of ​​Kong district in Nimroz province, stressing that the incident was the result of a misunderstanding and that the situation was now under mutual understanding.

The Taliban said in a statement that they had given the necessary instructions to their forces to prevent a recurrence of such misunderstandings.

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