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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Damascus: Syria will not give up fighting Israel

A high-ranking Syrian source described policy of Damascus towards relations with Arab countries and stressed the need to confront Tel Aviv and not change Syria’s policy towards the Zionist regime.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, a senior Syrian official told Al-Mayadin that Arab countries are turning to Syria, adding: Consultations between Jordan and Syria began a year ago.

He added: The relationship between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and King Abdullah II of Jordan was not the first meeting this year. During this year, several envoys of the King of Jordan visited the Syrian Presidential Palace and held meetings.

The official said: A year ago, it was not a good time for Jordan to make contact with Damascus public, but now is a good time.

A high-ranking Syrian source told Al-Mayadin that the Arab countries’ turn to Damascus will never change its position on Israel, regardless of the intentions of the Arab countries.

The source said: Syria has not and will not change its position on the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime. Damascus considers normalization to be wrong and detrimental to Arab and Palestinian interests.

A high-ranking Syrian source emphasized: Any change in Syria’s position towards Israel is a waiver of rights, and it is not. Iran has not been mentioned in talks with any Arab country. Previously, relations with Tehran were a problem for Arab countries in their relations and consultations with Syria.

The official said: Syria will not stop fighting Israel. Syria will not resort to alliances that are not in line with its interests and principles.

Read more: Syrian priest: If there was no resistance, Israel would have occupied Lebanon: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=13759

It is recalled that Jordan recently opened its border crossings with Syria and resumed trade, and tried to circumvent sanctions against Syria, allowing the Syrian embassy to hold presidential elections. All this, not definitively, showed that Jordan has entered a new path to normalize relations with Syria.

In this regard, “Ghassan Yousef”, a political analyst, said: Jordan is aware of the advantages and features of its relationship with Syria, if the situation in Syria is stable, it can support Jordan in the field of food, and Jordan will be a gateway between Syria and the GCC countries, and it will earn a lot of money this way.

Stating about the Jordanian King that “Jordan is working to provide a solution to the Syrian crisis in cooperation with the Arab world and the international community so that Syria can return to the arms of the Arab world,” he said: This makes Jordan not think that it is going against the flow and reduces the pressure on the country due to its interaction with Syria.

Yusuf noted that the King of Jordan has good relations with the United States, so the United States should listen to him because he is aware of what is happening in the region, and he knows that some people are supporting the Syrian crisis, while the crisis is almost over, and this is because of the support of big countries like China for Syria.

Also recently, for the first time in a decade of unrest in Syria, two Syrian government ministers traveled to Amman to review Syrian-Jordanian energy relations.

Syrian Minister of Oil and Mines Bassam Ta’meh and Minister of Electricity Ghassan al-Zamil met with Jordanian Minister of Energy Haleh Zawati during a visit to Jordan.

According to the statement, the meeting focused on the expansion of relations between the two countries in the field of oil and electricity.

Jordanian and Syrian officials discussed the connection of the two countries’ electricity grids, as well as the construction of a joint gas network between the two countries, known as the Arab Gas Grid, as well as cooperation in the field of renewable energy.

Recently, the Speaker of the Jordanian Parliament, Abdel Moneim Al-Awadat, emphasized in this meeting that the position of Jordan and its King since the beginning of the Syrian crisis has been the need for a peaceful solution to the Jordanian issue as the only solution to the crisis and the need to safeguard Jordan’s territorial integrity.

He added that this is Jordan’s official position in all international forums, stressing that the expansion of Jordanian-Syrian relations is in the interests of the Arab world and, most importantly, Palestine.

The Syrian ambassador to Amman, Essam Niall, also praised Jordan’s firm stance on the Palestinian issue, despite all the pressure, and stressed that Damascus is working hard to expand relations with Jordan.

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