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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Cooperation between the UAE and the Zionist regime in Africa

Pak Sahafat – Some news sources reported that after almost two years of normalizing its relations with the Zionist regime, the UAE took another step towards strengthening the interests of this regime, but this time in Africa, and based on this, it is seeking to establish a common information base with this regime.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, quoting from the Arabic website 21, the published information shows that the foreign ministries of the two sides are trying to establish a common information base in the continent to establish communication between the companies of the two sides in Africa.

According to this report, the joint plans of the two sides will focus on agriculture, water supply, telecommunications and the digital world, especially considering that the occupying regime of Jerusalem has increased its influence and presence in this continent during the past years under economic titles.

This new agreement is another step in the rapid development of economic relations between Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv. Considering that since the signing of the normalization agreement, the amount of trade between the two sides has increased by 438% in just one year and reached 3.7 billion shekels equivalent to 1.1 billion dollars, which is more than the amount of trade between Egypt and it is the Zionist regime.

Based on the evaluations, it is expected that the trade exchange between the two sides will reach billions of dollars annually in the coming years.

Read more:

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It should be remembered that the agreement between Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv to cooperate in the African continent is primarily in favor of the regime occupying Jerusalem because this regime has more information in relation to the needs of the African continent compared to the UAE, considering that the Ministry of Economy of the Zionist regime He revealed in advance that with the development of his exports in Africa, 700 million dollars is waiting for the related Zionist companies.

By adopting an economic approach in Africa, the Zionist regime aims to expand the economy and provide more job opportunities for Israelis.

According to published statistics, the investment and export of the Zionist regime in African countries is: Kenya 150 million dollars, Nigeria 105 million dollars, Uganda 70 million dollars, Ethiopia 33 million dollars, Cameroon 60 million dollars.

By appointing new trade delegations in some African countries, the Zionist regime is trying to penetrate the market of this continent, and this makes Israel’s use of Emirati capital in this continent more profitable for Tel Aviv.

The strategy of the Zionist regime in Africa is defined on security and defense dimensions. In the framework of this strategy, the Zionist regime has strategic and vital sensitivity towards the Red Sea region. Some strategic and military theorists believe that the Red Sea is the artery of Arab security. Therefore, since the beginning of the establishment of their regime, the Zionists have prevented this sea from turning into an Arabian lake by using political methods and using various tools. This regime has penetrated the African continent by establishing companies in the fields of industries, agriculture, poultry and livestock breeding, agricultural education and maritime transport, airlines, etc. Tel Aviv considers the fight against Islam as one of the principles and headlines of its grand strategy in Africa, and it supports Jewish minorities in African countries and tries to bring them closer to the pyramid of power. In short, the activity of the Zionist regime in the Green Continent is mainly of a military and strategic nature, and the Zionist experts who are sent to the countries of this continent under different economic, political and cultural guises pursue the goals of espionage and information gathering.

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