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Friday, September 20, 2024

CNN, the United States in chaos, China on the road to progress

American news agency CNN wrote: The United States is the scene of election turmoil, and despite the plight of countries around the world in the Covid-19 epidemic, China is on track to revive its economy and pursue its geopolitical goals.

CNN also cited the chaos caused by the transfer of power in the United States as one of the reasons for China’s progress.

The report of the American network’s website states: While the long delays between the election and the inauguration have always caused political confusion and the potential for disorder, President Donald Trump and other Republicans’ refusal to accept the election result has exacerbated the situation.

In recent days, Beijing has struck a major investment deal with the European Union, which has the potential to weaken Washington’s ability to catch up with China.

China is now more courageous than other parts of the world because of its power, and is eager to take advantage of the recent unrest in Washington.

A senior adviser to the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden has asked Brussels to wait for Beijing to offer concessions before concluding a trade deal.

Trump, meanwhile, took a hard line on Beijing in the final year of his presidency after shifting his stance between criticizing and welcoming China, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo imposed other sanctions on China in Washington, D.C., while trying to form an anti-Chinese coalition around the world. However, these efforts have not been successful.

Chinese officials have said that unlike the United States, they do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and only seek win-win cooperation. But China, like any superpower, is exercising its influence, from the “belt and road” infrastructure plan to trying to shape politics in Australia, Taiwan, and across Asia and the rest of the world.

The fact that China is ready to produce a domestic vaccine and has promised to export hundreds of millions of doses of this vaccine to other countries, including developing countries, confirms this change.

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