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Saturday, July 6, 2024

CNN: The highest level of US inflation in the last 30 years

Inflation in the United States has risen dramatically in 30 years in recent weeks.

The highest level of US inflation in the last 30 years, according to the International Service of the Radio and Television News Agency, quoted by CNN, unbridled inflation reached the United States. The report adds that inflation in the United States has reached its highest level in 30 years and inflation has increased dramatically in recent weeks.

At present, the inflation rate for consumers in the United States has reached the highest level in the last thirty years, so that the price of meat in the United States has increased by twenty-four percent compared to last year.

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This figure for the price of eggs is twelve percent. The price of fish has also increased by eleven percent compared to last year. The increase in the price of chicken compared to last year is nine percent, milk six percent and flour five percent. These figures were announced by the US Census Bureau. The food crisis in the United States is quite evident for households, especially low-income households. The average price of household items in October this year compared to October last year in the United States shows an increase of six points by two tenths of a percent.

Inflammation in the consumer goods market has previously been said to be unprecedented in the United States, and demand for food has risen sharply, partly due to the easing of coronary restrictions and the reopening of similar restaurants and malls. This increase in demand has led to a sharp rise in food prices, especially meat, in the United States. “Supply shortages, along with rising demand, are the main reason for this situation in US food markets and rising inflation.” After 12 consecutive years of positive growth, US economic growth has been negatively affected by the corona outbreak and the closure of businesses.

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