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Friday, September 20, 2024

CIA intelligence officers contracted the mysterious Havana Syndrome

The head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has confirmed that about 100 CIA officers and family members have Havana syndrome.

William Burns announced Friday night that about 100 CIA officers and family members are among the 200 U.S. officials and affiliates with Havana Syndrome.

“He has stepped up his efforts to determine the cause and responsibility of the syndrome,” said Burns, director of the Biden CIA.

Burns noted that a delegation from the US National Academy of Sciences found in December that an acceptable theory was that “directed energy” rays were causing the syndrome.

The head of the CIA claimed that there was a very strong possibility that the syndrome was intentional and that Russia could be responsible.

Earlier, US State Department spokesman Ned Price confirmed that a number of US diplomats in the Austrian capital Vienna had contracted an unknown disease, and announced that the US government was investigating the mysterious “attacks”.

The New Yorker wrote in a report: Since US President Joe Biden came to power, 25 US diplomats or officials in Vienna, Austria, have been involved in these “attacks” with symptoms similar to Havana Syndrome.

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