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Chomsky: America is a threat to world peace and its citizens

Pak Sahafat – Noam Chomsky, an American philosopher and theoretician, emphasized that Washington is not capable of imposing unilateral dictates on the international community, and pointed out that America is a declining power that is a threat to the world and its own citizens.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Tuesday, quoting from the Sputnik Mundo website, this scientist and political researcher said in an interview with the American website “Truthout” that the deterioration of the situation in the United States is caused by “internal shocks” more than anything else.

Chomsky added: The fear of consolidating internationally influential powers such as Russia and China is long-standing, and in the case of Russia, it dates back to 1917 when the Bolsheviks took over the power of the country. For decades, US governments have worried about Russia’s presence on the world stage and warned that the Bolsheviks threatened the global expansion of capitalism.

According to this American thinker, Washington defends its interests by expanding the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on the western border to Russia, while on the eastern border; it creates a ring of guard countries to surround China.

He added: The result is that China has more incentive to attack Taiwan to break this fence and gain free access to the oceans.

Chomsky recalled: Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, who was also a promoter of “perestroika” (a series of economic reforms in Russia in 1985), proposed at the time to create a “common European home” based on cooperation, not conflict, so that peace expand from Lisbon, Portugal to Vladivostok, the easternmost region of Russia adjacent to North Korea; But it was the United States that opposed this proposal.

Read more:

Chomsky: The state of American media freedom is worse than the Soviet Union

He emphasized that the Ukraine war, which was started by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February 2022, clearly showed that “Europe is committed to the doctrine of the Atlantic Alliance and has accepted Washington’s goal of severely weakening Russia to the detriment of Ukraine.”

However, without convergence, Germany-dependent Europe will decline, and Russia will promote Eurasian development based on its vast natural resources, which will focus its strategy against China, the political expert predicted.

Chomsky also mentioned the One Belt and One Road plan and said: With this plan, China will build its infrastructure in dozens of countries to strengthen economic exchanges and can expand its channels to Africa and even Latin America.

According to him, economies that ignore these opportunities pay a very high price for aligning with American interests.

This political science scientist believes that Russia will seek to maintain its independence between NATO and global systems that place China at the center; which the Asian giant is likely to oppose as it seeks to retain Russia as a supplier of raw materials, advanced weapons and a country with scientific talent, among other factors.

Regarding the role of India, Chomsky also believes that this country should deal with internal problems related to population poverty, water shortage and global warming, in addition to creating a balance in joining the United States as a threatening border against China, cooperating with this Asian country and maintaining a balance close to Moscow and Beijing face each other.

This political science expert pointed out: The crisis of the United States is mainly internal, a country that faces the highest death rate compared to countries of comparable wealth. At the same time, projects are underway to destroy the foundations of democracy from the 19th century onwards towards the creation of a non-political civil system.

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