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Friday, September 20, 2024

British officials put an end to phobia in Russia

The British Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary went on to accuse Russia of spreading false news about an alleged attack on Ukraine, without mentioning the Western intelligence campaign.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency; in an interview with the BBC, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke of the danger of the biggest post-World War II war in Ukraine over escalating tensions.

Johnson said: It is feared that the plan we are witnessing now could lead to the biggest war in Europe since 1945.

Referring to intelligence data, the British Prime Minister further added that Russian forces apparently intended to besiege Kiev. He also quoted US President Joe Biden as saying that Russia intended to attack not only from eastern Ukraine, but also from Belarus.

He also claimed at a security conference in Munich yesterday that a possible Russian attack on Ukraine was a major threat to the world.

He added: The shock of the invasion of Ukraine will resonate around the world, and it will be heard in East Asia and Taiwan. This crisis will expand in all dimensions.

His philanthropic remarks, aimed at creating global tensions to pursue the interests of Western countries, led by the United States (because of its confrontation with Russia over its gas resources and then its main settlement with China in the Indo-Pacific policy), were made by Liz Terrace.

In an interview with the British newspaper The Mail, Terrace spoke of setting up a government intelligence center to counter what he called Russia’s “misinformation” about Ukraine.

Read more: The cost of a possible Ukraine war to the United States and its allies: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=19885

He claimed in this regard: At the end of the Cold War, we disbanded our intelligence unit, but Russia did not disband its unit, which is why we have been dealing with Russian misinformation for years.

His claim comes at a time when Westerners and their media outlets have a long history of campaigning for false information and creating the impression that all the facts are what we are presenting.

According to the British Foreign Secretary, since the beginning of February, 40 cases of incorrect information leaked by Russia have been revealed. “The number of misinformation activities has doubled in the last week, so we know Russia is preparing,” Terrace said.

He also claimed yesterday that a Russian attack on Ukraine was possible early next week and that the Ukrainians should prepare for the worst-case scenario.

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