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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Blinken: America’s competition with Russia and China is the end of the world order after the Cold War

Pak Sahafat – US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said: The growing geopolitical competition of the US with Russia and China indicates the end of the world order after the Cold War.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, Joe Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken added on Wednesday local time in a speech at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies: “What we are experiencing now is more than a test of the post-Cold War order. This competition is the end of the order created after the Cold War. “Decades of relative geopolitical stability have given way to increasing competition with authoritarian powers.”

The US Secretary of State said: Russia’s war with Ukraine is “the most immediate and acute threat to the international order”.

Read more:

American publication: Washington is on the verge of defeat on the two fronts of China and Russia

He added: Meanwhile, China is the most important long-term challenge to the world order because it not only wants to change the international order, but increasingly has the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to do so.

“Beijing and Moscow are working together to make the world safer for authoritarian regimes,” Blinken continued.

The US Secretary of State then concluded that the world is experiencing a critical moment in which one era ends and another begins. A decision made now will shape the future for decades.

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