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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Biggest challenges for Biden

Pak Sahafat – The American “National Interest” research center has recommended that the Biden administration should adopt a new strategy towards Iran, send more weapons to Ukraine, and be more active in the field of climate change in order to preserve the global system and American hegemony.

Analysts and American media consider the challenges of the “Joe Biden” government in the coming year to be numerous. Apart from domestic problems, he is also struggling with important issues in the field of foreign policy.

A few days ago, “Foreign Policy” magazine listed the biggest threats to the White House as Russia, Ukraine, China, and countries including Iran and North Korea, and added: “Last year was a bitter year for the arms control world.”

Biden’s attempt to revive nuclear talks with Iran failed. North Korea continues to stubbornly advance its nuclear weapons program, and the latest nuclear arms control treaty between the United States and Russia has an uncertain future. Biden will probably not bring good news in 2023 either.

Now, in an analysis of three climate change issues, the “National Interest” research center has evaluated Iran and Ukraine as the biggest challenges of the Joe Biden administration and emphasizes that although the United States government is struggling with various challenges inside its country, some developments are taking place in the international arena, which can cause chaos and crisis in the liberal order desired by Washington and the unipolar system.

This think tank in a report titled “Can Joe Biden Overcome America’s Toughest Challenges?” It has been stated that America’s domestic challenges should not distract us from the threats facing the United States and the global order.

Environmental crisis

According to this analysis, the controversies arising from the discovery of top-secret documents in the home, garages and university offices used by President Joe Biden, after the previous FBI attack on former President Donald Trump’s home, are acceptable and are legitimate. US jurisdiction rules apply regardless of who is being investigated. This equal judicial structure emphasizes that the rule of law is above all else and it does not matter which party is in power. This is the way democracy should work.

The author insists, however, that such a domestic case, despite its legal and political burden, should not distract our attention from the real threats against the United States and the world order supported by liberal countries. The first of these challenges is definitely climate change. This is literally an existential threat to the entire world.

In this framework, Biden has promised to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2030. He also announced that he plans to spend $2.3 billion to build electrical infrastructure that is strong enough to withstand a warming climate and an increase in severe storms, flash floods and rising seas. On the other hand, the decision of the American president to create an international fund to help poor countries to fight the effects of climate change is a desirable and fair action. These countries were not involved in creating such conditions, but they suffer disproportionately from the existing conditions.

These measures can also benefit rich countries, as they reduce the tide of climate refugee migration. Al Gore estimates that the number of displaced people due to climate change could be tens of millions of people per year. Such a tidal human flow can swamp or drown even the largest countries.

This report then states that two countries have the largest contribution to climate change and adds: America must show its leadership in this matter because it has to deal with the two countries that are the biggest polluters in the world, namely Russia and China, who show no interest in reducing their fossil fuel consumption.

Although this action of Moscow and Beijing creates jobs for people and the growth of their country, it puts the rest of the world at risk. Only the United States, along with its allies, has the ability to pressure the above two countries to examine their personal interests clearly and transparently.

New strategy towards Iran

From the point of view of the National Interest analyst, another challenge for the United States and the Biden administration is Iran. The author believes: The Islamic Republic has made great progress in nuclear and ballistic missile activities, and this puts NATO and the United States in Tehran’s crosshairs, which is a terrifying prospect.

The report adds: In this situation, sanctions are an important tool of US policy towards Iran and should continue if no agreement is reached to end Iran’s nuclear program. But sanctions alone are not enough.

Continuing to send weapons to Ukraine, the guarantor of American hegemony

The third most important challenge of the White House from the point of view of this American think tank is the issue of the war in Ukraine, about which the whole world was affected by the indomitability of the Ukrainian people, who have been fighting Vladimir Putin’s forces since 2022. Since the West agreed to provide Kiev with powerful long-range weapons, including HIMARS, there has been a tide of change on the battlefield, and Ukraine has regained large parts of its territory.

In the end, this report states: without the weapons sent by the United States, Ukraine could fall, Europe would lose its trust in the United States, NATO would become a dead word, and the leadership of the United States would be a historical anomaly. China was also aware of this situation and it was possible that when Putin’s tanks were circling in Kyiv, Beijing would also attack the coast of Taiwan. Strong US leadership has averted this nightmare.

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