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Friday, September 20, 2024

Biden’s democracy-claiming government; the largest arms dealer in the world

Pak Sahafat – According to an American media report, the Democratic administration of US President Joe Biden, while claiming to support democracy in the world, is itself the largest seller of weapons to the countries of the world.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, the Intercept website wrote in a report: Since the inauguration of US President Joe Biden in 2021, he has described a “battle between democracies and autocracies” in which the US and other democracies are trying to create a peaceful world.

The report states that the fact is that the Biden administration has helped increase the military power of a large number of countries.

According to the Intercept’s review of recent US government data, Washington has sold weapons to at least 57% of the world’s countries in 2022.

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Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has been the largest arms seller in the world, accounting for about 40 percent of all arms exports in a year.

There are two ways to sell these weapons, which are foreign military sales and direct commercial sales. In US foreign military sales, the US acts as a broker, buying weapons from a company and then delivering them to a foreign recipient. But direct commercial sales are different and are the result of an agreement between an American company and a foreign government.

According to the Intercept report, of the 84 countries that are recognized as autocrats under the world government system in 2022, the United States has sold weapons to at least 48 or 57 percent of them.

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According to the annual statistics of the US Department of State, in the first fiscal year of the Biden administration, the country’s arms sales to other countries reached 206 billion dollars.

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