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Biden’s costly gamble in Ukraine

Pak Sahafat – While Joe Biden’s government has prioritized military and economic support for Kiev in its foreign policy and has promised to continue this aid indefinitely, this aid has cost a lot politically for Biden and his party.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from Sputnik news agency, Biden and the Democratic Party have been involved in the issue of Ukraine for months and have provided tens of billions of dollars in arms, economic aid, as well as all kinds of intelligence support and operational planning assistance to Ukraine, but what has the American aid cost politically to Biden and his party, and is this aid sustainable?

How much has America spent in Ukraine?

America has given more than 60 billion dollars in military and financial aid to Ukraine, but how much is 60 billion dollars in America? For example, the American recording industry will earn fifteen billion dollars in 2021, and the entire film and video production industry will earn $25.1 billion in the same year.

According to the non-profit people’s organization (Global Giving) Ending homelessness in America costs about $20 billion, in other words, $60 billion is enough to buy almost all the entertainment produced in America for a year, plus one of the country’s most important economic and social problems. Instead, the White House sent this money to Ukraine.

What are the global risks of American policy?

Washington’s “generosity” in Ukraine has not escaped Moscow’s attention. Moscow criticized America’s role in aggravating Ukraine’s security crisis in 2022 and dragging the country into crisis in February 2014 by replacing the Ukrainian government with a government loyal to Washington and Brussels.

Russian authorities have repeatedly warned about the dangers of escalation of tension in connection with the Ukraine crisis. Last month, Putin accused the US and its allies of “taking steps in recent years, especially in recent months, to escalate tensions” and “waging a war in Ukraine, organizing provocations around Taiwan and destabilizing the world’s food and energy markets.”

Read more:

America: Our military support for Ukraine continues

Biden’s last game in Ukraine

As far as the US and its allies are concerned, part of the reason the Ukraine crisis is so dangerous is the lack of a clear endgame. While Russia has made its goals fairly clear (Ukraine not being part of NATO), the West’s endgame consists of regime change in Moscow, or the fragmentation of Russia into a series of small states, or even prolonging the war indefinitely, if possible.

According to some Western observers, Ukraine may be just a usable geopolitical chess piece for the US and NATO in a long series of conflicts (Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria).

What are the domestic consequences of Biden’s policy in Ukraine?

The White House’s policy on Ukraine has not been far from the focus of Biden’s internal political opponents; Because the increase in the cost of fuel, inflation, and worries about the economic recession, have weakened the faith in the useful leadership of the current American president among the people, and have made the Republican faction the top issue.

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said in a speech to supporters in Iowa last week: “Not even a penny reaches Ukraine anymore.” Dozens of Republican Party legislators, including 56 members of the House of Representatives and 11 members of the Senate, voted against the addition of $40 billion in aid to Ukraine in May.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy warned last month that Ukraine would no longer receive a “blank check” from Congress if Republicans were in charge.

How will Biden’s position in Ukraine affect his chances in the 2024 election?

The relationship between the Biden administration’s policy in Ukraine and his overall popularity is less clear. Only 34 percent of legal voters in a recent poll consider this conflict an important issue. A poll taken after Tuesday’s vote found two-thirds of voters agree on one thing: Biden should not run for re-election in 2024.

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