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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Biden again supported the riots in Iran

Pak Sahafat – US President Joe Biden once again supported the riots in Iran in the continuation of America’s obvious interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

US President Joe Biden, on Friday night local time, in a speech supporting the continuation of unrest in Iran, claimed: We stand by the brave Iranian citizens and women.

The President of the United States once again openly interfered in the internal affairs of our country and said: Iran must end the violence against its citizens who exercise their constitutional rights.

Pointing to the death of Mehsa Amini, Biden claimed: What has awakened in Iran has shocked me and I don’t think it will be quiet for a long time.

The American president continued his claims and added: Women should be able to wear what they want.

American statesmen, who have been intervening in all affairs of non-aligned countries under the banner of defending democracy and human rights for years, but their eyes, are closed on numerous cases of crimes and violations of human rights of allies, this time also with the claim of defending the rights of Iranians especially for women; They have rode the wave of Iranian youth’s emotions to perhaps find a way to realize their hidden goals from an internal issue.

The Democratic President of the United States, whose political base and popularity of himself and his party is at the lowest possible level against the rival Republican Party these days, on the eve of the congressional mid-term elections, at the same time as sending a message and waving for direct negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, not only has he imposed new human rights sanctions, but also by claiming to facilitate modern tools to allow more Iranians access to the free flow of information; It seeks to realize the same goals that Washington has tried all the traditional ways in this field for more than four decades.

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America claiming that Iranians have access to communication tools or in the struggle to inflame unrest?

On October 11th, the President of the United States, by openly interfering in Iran’s internal affairs, took a step in the same way that the former Democratic President of the United States, Barack Obama, had taken in the events of 2008.

In a statement, Biden claimed: Iran’s government has deprived its people of basic freedoms for decades and suppressed the aspirations of successive generations with force and violence. The United States stands with the Iranian women and citizens who inspire the world with their courage.

The Democratic President of the United States claimed to be concerned about the reports of the escalation of violent repression of protesters in Iran and claimed that the United States will facilitate Iranians’ access to the Internet through greater access to safe and foreign services.

He also said that the United States will hold Iranian authorities and institutions, such as the Moral Security Police, responsible for violence and suppression of civil society, and will impose more costs on perpetrators of violence against peaceful protesters.

Biden immediately fulfilled his promise to sanction Iranian officials under the pretext of human rights, and the Foreign Assets Control Office (OFAC) of the Ministry of Treasury put the names of seven senior officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the list of sanctions and said that these people have been sanctioned for their role in suppressing protests and cutting off Iranians’ access to the Internet.

On September 31, the US Treasury Department sanctioned the Moral Security Police and several other Iranian officials under the pretext of interfering in Iran’s internal affairs following the death of a 22-year-old Iranian girl named “Mehsa (Gina) Amini”.

According to the announcement of the US Treasury Department, the seven Iranian officials who have been included in the sanctions list are: Yadullah Javani, the political deputy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Vahid Majid, the police chief of Fata Faraja, Hossein Nejat, the general commander of the IRGC in Tharullah, Hassan Rahimi, the police commander of Greater Tehran, Hossein Sajdinia, the deputy of Faraja operations, Issa Zarepour, the minister of communications, and Ahmad Vahidi, the interior minister.

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