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Saturday, September 21, 2024

At the end of the elections, the Zionist regime/Netanyahu’s coalition won 64 seats

Pak Sahafat – The Zionist Army Radio announced on Thursday night that the counting of votes for the 25th Knesset (Parliament) elections of this regime ended and finally the right-wing coalition led by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won 64 seats.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from the Palestinian media, according to the report of the Zionist Army Radio, the Likud party led by Netanyahu won 32 seats, the Future Party led by the current Prime Minister Yair Lapid won 24 seats, and the Religious Zionist Party led by Smotrich won 14 seats.

According to this report, the government camp led by “Benny Gantz” has 12 seats, the Shas party led by Darei has 11 seats, Yehudit Torati led by Gaffni has 7 seats, “Israel our home” led by Avigdor Lieberman; The former war minister of the Netanyahu government won 6 seats.

These results were obtained at the end of the counting of 99% of the votes, and Yair Lapid, the current Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, also accepted the defeat and congratulated Netanyahu on his victory.

Read more:

Israeli elections; Another fragile cabinet is waiting for the Zionists

This report adds: Ram party led by Mansour Abbas and “Hadash Taal” party led by Tayibi and Odeh each won 5 seats in this election.

The Labor Party could only win 4 seats and the Mirets Party failed to get the quorum to enter the Knesset.

Thus, Netanyahu’s coalition won a total of 64 seats and will form the next government.

On Tuesday, the Zionist regime held the fifth election in the last four years. Officials of this regime have warned about the danger of internal collapse due to internal disunity and differences between Orthodox Jews and secular and Zionist currents.

Any camp that can win at least 61 seats out of 120 seats in the Zionist Parliament will be able to form a coalition cabinet.

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