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Assad messed up Erdogan’s plans

Pak Sahafat – Turkish authorities have announced several times in the last two months that they are looking to clear the ambiguities with Damascus and even the president of Turkey is ready to meet with his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad after 11 years, but Assad’s negative response to the Turks and postponing it until after the Turkish elections next year.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from Damascus, in the past year, Erdogan’s efforts to resolve disputes with regional countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and even the Zionist regime have returned to normal, and Ankara-Cairo relations are likely to undergo fundamental changes.

It was on November 29 that the media announced that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, with the mediation of Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, on the sidelines of the opening of the 2022 World Cup in Doha for the first time in the past 10 years; At the same time, the regional media also announced that this meeting could be a prelude to the meeting between Erdogan and Assad.

Although Erdogan and al-Sisi met in Doha, this meeting was held while there are strong differences between the two countries of Egypt and Turkey, especially on the issue of Libya and the support of the Muslim Brotherhood by Ankara, but in any case, it was a good ground for Resolving tensions between two Islamic countries.

In the recent days and months, Ankara authorities have talked several times about changing Turkey’s approach to Syria, and even the president of this country, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has mentioned the possibility of meeting with his Syrian counterpart, Bashar Assad, and resolving conflicts, a word that has not yet reached the stage of action, and even Damascus has repeatedly announced that it is not optimistic about Ankara’s actions.

The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported some time ago by publishing the words of the Syrian president in several fields, especially about Turkey’s practical steps to resume relations with Damascus; The words that were expressed in the meeting of a number of Syrian media and researchers with Bashar Assad.

In this meeting, Assad emphasized about the resumption of relations between Turkey and Syria that the meetings with Ankara are now “only of an informational nature”, but “will lead to an increase in the level of the meetings”.

At the same time, he added that Ankara has expressed its readiness to meet the demands of Damascus and “Damascus expects practical steps from Turkey and not just words”.

Bashar Assad stated that “Perhaps Ankara is more honest in its orientations than some Arabs”, and clarified: But it is not possible to judge whether Turkey’s position is serious or just a political maneuver.

Read more:

Syrian sources: Turkey prepares for two military operations in Syria

Following Assad’s words, Bethina Shaaban, the political and media advisor of the Syrian presidency, considered the Turkish authorities’ statements about the possibility of reconciliation between Damascus and Ankara and the holding of a meeting between Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Bashar Assad as a “fraud”.

He said that the Turkish president’s recent statements about the closeness of political relations between the two sides are “media and have no relation to the existing reality”.

Shaaban continued, “We have been hearing these media statements for several months, and such statements are made for specific reasons, and these reasons can have an electoral effect or be a lever to put pressure on other parties.”

In a report about this, Reuters news agency announced that Damascus has rejected the proposal of a meeting between the leaders of the two countries in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, stressing the need for the withdrawal of Turkish military forces.

Reuters reported, quoting two well-informed sources, that Damascus believes that such a meeting on the eve of next year’s Turkish elections will end up in Erdogan’s favor, especially if Turkey’s intention to return 3.6 million Syrian refugees to their country is raised.

One of these two knowledgeable sources quoted Assad and claimed that “Why should we offer victory to Erdogan for free? Relations will not be good before the elections.

Reuters, quoting another source familiar with the proposal, wrote: Damascus considers such a meeting useless as long as it does not bring tangible results. What Syria has requested so far is the complete withdrawal of Turkish forces from the territory of this country.

However, in the past year, the Ankara government has tried to solve its problems with countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, which succeeded in the first two cases, and in the case of Egypt, the first meeting between the presidents of Turkey and Egypt was held in Doha with the mediation of the Emir of Qatar the path of negotiations between the two sides has been opened. But in the case of Syria, the issue is somewhat different, because in the past 11 years, Ankara, along with the United States, the Zionist regime, France, England, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Zionist regime, has fully supported Takfiri terrorists to overthrow the Syrian government.

Regarding the attempt to establish a relationship between Turkey and Syria, it should be said that, it is known that the Turks followed the same path as they did with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and they are determined to establish a relationship between Ankara and Damascus in such a way that they can overcome the current economic conditions in Syria so that Erdogan can benefit from the Syrian market to organize a part of Turkey’s economy, so that he can win the 2023 elections of this country; but it must be said that Assad will read Erdogan’s hand and wait to see what the outcome of next year’s Turkish presidential election will be.

Another point is that now the Turkish army has sent a lot of equipment and troops to northern Syria under the pretext of the terrorist explosion on November 22 in Istanbul and to deal with the terrorists.

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