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Friday, September 20, 2024

Ansarullah officials’ reaction to the reconciliation of Qatar and Riyadh

The chairman of the Yemeni Supreme Revolutionary Committee and Ansarullah‘s spokesman reacted to the agreement between Qatar and Saudi Arabia to reopen the borders and lift the siege.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia agreed to reopen the borders on Monday evening, and the Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad, will personally attend today’s (Tuesday) GCC summit.

Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, chairman of the Yemeni Supreme Revolutionary Committee and a senior member of Ansar al-Islam, congratulated the Qatari people on lifting the siege of Qatar and resuming relations with Saudi Arabia, and expressed hope that And lift its siege.

He said about this: The criteria for measuring the reconciliation (of the Gulf states) with Qatar and under the supervision of Kuwait are three issues that emphasize the certainty of the result:

1. This is not a formal lifting of the siege, which means that the siege will be re-established after the meeting (Cooperation Council).

2. It is not for the sake of normalizing relations in such a way that this is the purpose of the meeting.

3. And the most important outcome, especially given the presence of the American delegation at the summit, is that it be derived from the independence of each country while maintaining equal international relations.

Ansarullah’s spokesman Mohammad Abdul Salam also tweeted that what is happening in the Gulf states emphasizes that the policy of siege, war and aggression has reached a dead end and that mutual respect is the safest and shortest way to security and stability.

The four countries of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut off diplomatic relations with Qatar on June 5, 2017, and in addition to land, air and sea blockades, thirteen conditions, including reducing ties with Tehran, closing Al Jazeera and cutting off support they had appointed the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas to resume these relations.

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