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Saturday, September 21, 2024

American-type Superstition

New US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has claimed that the United States, with the help of its allies, has been able to destroy the terrorist group ISIS; a false claim that has made even American’s allies laugh.

In a joint interview with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian with the French magazine Le Journal du Dimanche, Blinken, who is known to be moving in another direction, claimed that thanks to the 70-nation international coalition against ISIL, we were able to destroy the self-proclaimed caliphate of this group in Iraq and Syria!

Stating that the United States’s capabilities should be supported thanks to the International Coalition against ISIS,” he said: “At the moment, it is not permissible for the coalition to be reduced to a level of readiness, and ISIS cannot be allowed to regain its power.”

The US Secretary of State, whose country is the first sponsor of ISIL and other terrorist groups in the world, chaired yesterday (Monday) the meeting of the anti-ISIL coalition in Rome, the capital of Italy; The illusory meeting, which was based on lies, examined efforts to counter terrorism at the head of ISIS and prevent the terrorist group from spreading to the African continent.

It was claimed that yesterday’s meeting also discussed ways to support the actions of the International Coalition against ISIL to eradicate the terrorist group, increase pressure on remaining ISILs in Iraq and Syria, and counter their affiliated networks in other parts of the African continent.

A few reminders to Blinken and other US officials

US officials have repeatedly acknowledged the creation and equipping of ISIS, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former US President Donald Trump.

In her 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton publicly acknowledged that ISIS was made by the United States. He also acknowledges this in his memoir, Difficult Choices.

Former United States Secretary of State Barack Obama acknowledges Washington’s plans for the Middle East that, we divided the region through the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Islamic State (ISIS) that was to be formed, and then we went from the Muslim Brotherhood to the Arab countries on the Persian Gulf by our agents. First, the work started from Kuwait and we went to the UAE, Bahrain and Oman, respectively. “As a result, the divisions of the Arab region and the Arab Maghreb changed completely, and we gained complete control over oil interests and sea lanes.”

Former US President Donald Trump has repeatedly acknowledged the role of the United States in creating ISIS, saying that “the Barack Obama administration created ISIS.”

During a speech at last year’s US presidential rally in Mississippi, Trump reiterated that “ISIS was created by Obama.”

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