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Sunday, September 29, 2024

American Trojan horse for East Asia

Political experts say the fact that the Pentagon is considering the right framework for a US military presence in the Middle East is a prelude to the next phase of the Pentagon’s plan to change its US deployment strategy around the world.

Experts added that the United States has concerns about China gaining power and consolidating its resources in East Asia. Current developments in the Middle East have shown that this geographical environment has become boring and erosive for Americans.

According to experts, the US military presence in the region is waning and has led to the establishment of an alliance with East Asia (ACUS), which includes the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada, which was announced almost two months ago. On the other hand, when the Pentagon talks about the redeployment of its troops, this plan is in the context of preparing for this treaty; this means that American resources will be transferred to this region.

Experts added that the US behavior in the region is the best reason why the Americans have officially entered the phase of military transition to other geographical areas and are now reassuring their regional allies, who have left them in turmoil, that their support will continue.

Read more: American media insult Mohammad bin Salman: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=14811

Political experts added that the US withdrawal from Syria and Iraq will take place by the end of this year to pave the way for a full-fledged settlement in East Asia aimed at confronting China.

Experts say the Biden administration’s top priority is no different from that of former President Donald Trump; Because Iran is the biggest concern, and securing the Zionist regime is the biggest American concern.

According to experts, the United States considers the Pacific, Indian Ocean and southern Europe to be strategic areas and is therefore determined to deploy its weapons in this area as well as in the South China Sea.

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