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Friday, September 20, 2024

American monetary democracy cannot be imposed on other countries

The Chinese ambassador to Syria stressed that American democracy is nothing but a game to deceive the people at home and a tool to dominate other countries.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, the Chinese ambassador to Syria stressed that American democracy is nothing but a game to deceive the people at home and a tool to dominate other countries; Announced: How does the United States, which faces many political and social problems from within, such as social divisions, class divisions, and racism, claim to be a model of world democracy, with American troops everywhere, nothing but destruction and misery for nations. Afghanistan’s experience has shown that imposing democracy on other countries is at a standstill, and the US blacklist has proven that the so-called “light of world democracy” is on the verge of extinction.

Al-Watan website wrote in an article by the Chinese ambassador to Syria: Instead of turning the countries of the world into democracies and hegemons, the various political systems must coexist peacefully and compete with dignity. In this context, an increasing number of people have come to the conclusion that the democratic model in the United States does not represent perfection. Rather, the country faces many political and social problems, such as social divisions, widening class divisions, racism, and the widespread use of weapons and drugs. In spite of all this, the United States, under the pretext of freedom and democracy, seeks to launch colorful revolutions, Arab springs, and openly interfere in the internal affairs of China, Syria, and other countries, and brutally threatens to impose sanctions and it seeks to impose American democracy on other nations; But the American military was waging wars that disrupted the prosperous lives of nations, and now they have no choice but to vote. Iraq and Libya are good examples of this over the past two decades. Under the pretext of the spread of democracy, the United States launched a war against Afghanistan and Iraq, which led to the bloodshed of the people and a life of misery. American democracy is nothing but a game to deceive the people at home and a tool to dominate other countries.

The great defeat in Afghanistan proved once again that the imposition of American democracy against others is at a standstill, as the US presidential election cost about $ 14 billion; this shows that American democracy is nothing but purely monetary democracy.

More recently, US officials have held a so-called “democracy summit” in an attempt to cover up democracy and encourage ideological focus. Such a meeting is merely a tool for the United States to achieve its geopolitical goals and to impose restrictions on other countries and to achieve Washington’s selfish intentions.

Hence, the international community is tired of American democracy, and people are wondering how a country that suffers from a vast democratic flaw has become a judge of democracy and is holding a meeting for democracy?!

One can learn from the successful experiences of democracy in China; on the basis that it is not possible to copy the democratic system for other countries. Democratic development does not need the advice imposed by others. In other words, a proper democracy for any country will be rooted in the same country and will bring prosperity to the people of that country.

Read more: US administration imposes sanctions on 13 Pakistani companies: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=16707

In our world, there is no democratic model that is suitable for all countries, and there is no ideal or superior democratic system. Rather, democracy must address the needs of the people and make them prosperous; not to look for flamboyant and at the same time hollow words that are completely far from the nation.

The Chinese people have long recognized the games of some Western politicians to contain China and restrict it under the pretext of democracy. The black case of the United States has proved that the so-called “beacon of world democracy” is on the verge of extinction and the United States has not been a model for democracy in the world in the past and will not be in the future.

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